Application to safely and locally store backup codes for two factor authenticated services. It is good pracice to store these codes in an other location than in e.g. the password manager that stores the first factor or in the authenticator app that generates the one time passwords.
The backup is locally stored in a sqlite database with symmetric Fermet encryption.
The sqlite database stores a id
, service name
, description [optional]
the backupcodes [encrypted]
, date added
. A new encryption key will be generated
when first codes are saved in the db.
The location of the database is $HOME/.config/2FA_codes.db
!! Do not lose the generated key, or your codes will be lost !!
$ twofabackup ---help
usage: twofabackup [-h] [-v] {add} ...
Encrypted 2FA backup codes storage
positional arguments:
{add} Add new backupcodes from a text file or stdin
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
$ twofabackup add --help
usage: twofabackup add [-h] [-f FILE] -n NAME [-d DESCRIPTION]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE Text file with backupcodes
-n NAME, --name NAME Name of the service
Optional description of service