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Merge branch 'develop-comment-handler' into develop. Close #164.
**Description** The Copilot spec generated by Ogma includes the following comment for a spec: ``` -- | Complete specification. Calls the C function void handler(); when -- the property is violated. ``` That comment is inaccurate, since the name of the function executed may not be `handler`. **Type** - Bug: Error in comment in generated code. **Additional context** None. **Requester** - Ivan Perez. **Method to check presence of bug** Error is in a comment. Check by visual inspection of the Copilot code generated by Ogma. Additionally, the following dockerfile runs the spec backend and checks that the output no longer contains the fixed string "handler();", in which case it prints the message "Success": ```Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:trusty ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install --yes software-properties-common RUN add-apt-repository ppa:hvr/ghc RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install --yes ghc-8.6.5 cabal-install-2.4 RUN apt-get install --yes libz-dev ENV PATH=/opt/ghc/8.6.5/bin:/opt/cabal/2.4/bin:$PWD/.cabal-sandbox/bin:$PATH RUN cabal update RUN cabal v1-sandbox init RUN cabal v1-install alex happy RUN apt-get install --yes git SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] CMD git clone $REPO \ && cd $NAME \ && git checkout $COMMIT \ && cd .. \ && cabal v1-sandbox init \ && cabal v1-install $NAME/$PAT**/ --constraint="aeson>=" \ && ./.cabal-sandbox/bin/ogma fret-component-spec --fret-file-name $NAME/ogma-cli/examples/fret.json > Spec.hs \ && ! grep 'handler();' Spec.hs \ && echo "Success" ``` Command (substitute variables based on new path after merge): ```sh $ docker run -e "REPO=" -e "NAME=ogma" -e PAT="ogma-" -e "COMMIT=<HASH>" -it ogma-verify-164 ``` **Expected result** The comment in the code generated by Copilot states that handlers are executed, not that a specific function `handler();` is called. Running the dockerfile above prints "Success", indicating that the specific string "handler();" is no longer part of the output. **Solution implemented** Modify comment in `ogma-core/src/Language/Trans/Spec2Copilot.hs#L201` to state that handlers (plural) are executed upon property violations. **Further notes** None.
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