Essence of a modern contact center is to serve customers on multiple channels (voice, web chat, video, email, social media, etc.), allow them to move seamlessly across channels and most importantly maintain context of the conversations.
The Twilio Contact Center demo is reference architecture for building a modern contact center. The focus of the demo is to show how to build a Twilio platform based contact center and the various backend and frontend components needed.
Note: We have done the basic work from an UX perspective and lot of opportunities remains to improve on it. It has been designed for demo purposes and has not been separately security checked.
This application is provided as-is. Twilio does not officially support it.
- Twilio Phone Numbers
- Twilio Programmable Voice (PSTN, Twilio WebRTC Client)
- Twilio Programmable Chat
- Twilio Programmable SMS and Facebook Messenger
- Twilio Programmable Video
- Twilio TaskRouter
- Twilio REST APIs
Customer fills out online call request -> Form submitted to server -> Task on TaskRouter created -> Find available and matching agent -> Agent accepts reservation and dials customer out (PSTN) -> Connect customer to agent (WebRTC)
Customer calls Twilio phone number -> Twilio requests webhook -> Server generates TwiML for IVR -> Caller selects IVR option -> Task on TaskRouter created -> Find available and matching agent -> Agent accepts reservation -> Connect customer to agent (WebRTC)
Customer fills out online web chat request form -> Form submitted to server -> Task on TaskRouter created -> Find available and matching agent -> Agent accepts reservation -> Start chat between customer and agent
Customer fills out video call request form -> Form submitted to server -> Task on TaskRouter and video room created -> Find available and matching agent -> Agent accepts reservation -> Agent joins video room
Real-time display of operational contact center metrics (for example: average call handle time, agent productivity, call metrics, TaskRouter stats, and more etc.). Please check out the following repo:
- Basic knowledge of Twilio platform - TwilioQuest, an interactive, self-paced game where you learn how to Twilio.
- Twilio TaskRouter
- Twilio Client
- Twilio Programmable Chat
- Twilio Programmable Video
- Working knowledge of Angular.js, Bootstrap and Node.js
If you haven't used Twilio before, welcome! You'll need to Sign up for a Twilio account.
We recommend you create a separate project within Twilio and install this app using that project.
Note: It is recommended that you have an upgraded Twilio account to fully experience this demo.
Before you start the install, you’ll need to collect the following variables from the Twilio Account Portal.
For Account SID and Auth Token please click here:
Buy a phone number or use an existing one (the application will configure the number for you later)
Create a new Twilio TaskRouter Workspace and select the custom template.
For Twilio API Key SID and Twilio API Key Secret, click here:
For web chat you need to set Twilio Programmable Chat environment variables:
- For creating a new Chat Services or re-using an existing one, click here:
The agent UI does not support handling of multiple tasks simultaneously, hence all tasks are routed on the same task channel with capacity of one simultaneous task. For more details please check TaskRouter Multitasking
- For outbound calls enable AGENT CONFERENCE setting, click here:
You can deploy this project with all depencendies on Heroku with Terraform, an open-source infrastructure as code software tool.
Create the API key for Heroku, check the Heroku Platform API Guide for help.
Add the Heroku API key and your email address to terraform.tfvars
Initialize the Terraform configuration files and run
terraform init
If you have not installed Terraform, follow the Terraform Getting Started.
Add the Twilio variables listed in section Configuration Variables to the terraform.tfvars
variables file.
Set your Heroku application name in the infrastructure description file
Create an execution plan
terraform plan
Install the project on Heroku by executing
terraform apply
After the installation has completed please open https://<your-application-name>
and configure the application. The demo overview will be accessible at https://<your-application-name>
This will install the application and all the dependencies on Heroku (login required) for you. As part of the installation, the Heroku app will walk you through configuration of environment variables. Please click on the following button to deploy the application.
After the installation has completed please open https://<your-application-name>
and configure the application. The demo overview will be accessible at https://<your-application-name>
Download and install the Google Cloud SDK.
Create a new project
gcloud projects create <your-project-id> --set-as-default
Initialize your App Engine app with your project and choose its region:
gcloud app create --project=<your-project-id>
Add the Twilio variables listed in section Configuration Variables to the app.yaml
variables file.
Deploy the app on App Engine by running the following command.
gcloud app deploy
To view your application run
gcloud app browse
After the installation has completed please open https://<your-project-id>
and configure the application. The demo overview will be accessible at https://<your-project-id>
Fork and clone the repository. Then, install dependencies with
npm install
If you want to load environment variables from a file, install dotenv package to handle local environment variables.
npm install dotenv
In the root directory create a file called '.env', then add the following to top of app.js
In order to run the demo you will need to set the environment variables liste in Configuration Variables](#configuration-variables)
Start the application
npm start
Before you can use the demo please open http://<your-application-name>/setup
and configure the application. The demo overview will be accessible at http://<your-application-name>
. Please note, if process.env.PORT is not set the applications runs on port 5000.
If you are running the demo locally please remember that Twilio needs a publically-accessible address for webhooks, and the setup process registers these with Twilio. As such, you'll need to run something like ngrok instead of just hitting http://localhost:5000/. As you get new addresses from ngrok you'll need to also rerun the setup process to register the updated address with Twilio.
ngrok Setup
System Wide Install
Install with NPM
npm install ngrok -g
Run ngrok (if PORT is defined in your .env update accordingly)
./ngrok http 5000
Project Only Install
Install ngrok package
npm install ngrok --dev
Add the following to the top of app.js
const ngrok = require('ngrok') const ngrokUrl = async function () { const url = await ngrok.connect((process.env.PORT || 5000)) console.log('ngrok url ->', url) }
In app.js call ngrokUrl in app.listen to log the ngrok url on server spin up
Note: On Google Chrome a secure HTTPS connection is required to do phone calls via WebRTC. Use a tunnel that supports HTTPS such as ngrok, which can forward the traffic to your webserver.
Contributions are welcome and generally accepted. For not trivial amendments it is a good idea to submit an issue explaining the proposed changes before a PR. This allows the maintainers to give guidance and avoid you doing duplicated work.
Your changes must adhere a common project code style.
# please run this before "git commit"
npm run lint
# try automatic fix
./node_modules/.bin/eslint controllers --fix
./node_modules/.bin/eslint public --fix
To make life easier for other contributors and reviewer please rebase your commit in the same PR
git rebase -i HEAD^^^^^^
# then squash or fixup your shards
# and force push into your fork
git push origin [YOUR BRANCH] -f
You can follow me on Twitter - @mdamm_de