Create user interfaces handling the HTML on Client-Side just with Java.
The basic concept is create components using directly DOM API on client-side, but coding just with Java and to use the transpiler to convert the Java code into JavaScript code. In this project, we're using the JSweet Transpiler.
- Create easily complex UI components
- Fluent interfaces to create UI
- Easy publication the API services
- Uses the same model on client and server
- Compile checking between client and server
- UIX: Central factory to create components
- ViewManager: manages the Views and browser history
- BusClient: create the call to server using JSON requests
- BusServer: receives the request and execute the mapping services
Sample: nk-ui-sample
File index.html:
<div id="app" class="nk-app"></div>
UIX ui = new UIX(new UIImpl(Globals.window.document));
ViewManager vm = new ViewManagerImpl(Globals.window, Globals.window.document, "#app");
Input username = ui.input().hint("Username").label("Username");
Input pw = ui.input().hint("Password").label("Password").typePassword();
return ui.segment().add(ui.vertical()
.add(ui.button("Login").primary().click(() -> {
userController.login(username.value(), pw.value(), (result) -> {
if(result.isSuccess()) {
userController.findByUsername(username.value(), (user) -> {;
} else {
BusClient<UserAPI> bus = new BusClient<UserAPI>(new UserServiceStub());
bus.addFactory(ResultModel.class, () -> new ResultModel());
bus.addFactory(UserModel.class, () -> new UserModel());
public void login(String username, String pw, Consumer<ResultModel> call) {
bus.on(i -> i.login(username, pw)).then((m) -> {
}, onError);
UserServiceImpl implements UserAPI {
public ResultModel login(String username, String pw) {
if(username != null && pw != null && username.equals(pw)) {
return new ResultModel();
} else {
return new ResultModel("Invalid user: " + username);
public UserModel findByUsername(String username) {
UserModel user = new UserModel();
user.setName("Test User: " + username);
return user;
Jetty Embedded:
Server server = new Server();
WebAppContext ctx = new WebAppContext();
ServletHolder busServlet = ctx.addServlet(BusServer.class, "/bus/*");
busServlet.setInitParameter("resolver", App.class.getCanonicalName());