Code supporting the following paper:
Jaques N., Taylor S., Sano A., Picard R.,"Multimodal Autoencoder: A Deep Learning Approach to Filling In Missing Sensor Data and Enabling Better Mood Prediction", International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, October 2017, Texas, USA. pdf
The MultimodalAutoencoder (MMAE) is designed to deal with data in which large, contiguous blocks of features go missing at once; specifically all the features extracted from the same data source or modality. For example, all the features extracted from a skin conductance sensor may go missing if the sensor experiences a technical issue when recording data for a particular sample. By randomly blocking out different modalities from the training data and learning to reconstruct them, the MMAE is able to reconstruct real missing data.
- - The main code for the MMAE model.
- - Code for running jobs to train the models on a server and emailing you when they finish.
- - Generic classes that can be inherited to build wrappers that will perform grid searches over hyperparameter settings for different models.
- Any wrapper file - An inherited version of the generic wrapper for a specific model.
- - Functions dealing with loading data from a file, organizing it into cross validation folds, normalizing it, filling missing data, etc.
- - Implements two feature selection methods.
- comparison_algorithms/ - Code for four basic ML classifiers to compare against: SVM, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and a basic Neural Network.
- tensorflow
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- sklearn