All your favourite SciComm Twitter hashtag games in one place!
This repository consists of:
- The config file and script which runs on Heroku ever 10mins against the Twitter API to automatically retweet the tweets for the various twitter hashtag games to the account @SciCommGames
- The source for the url listed above which is hosted on Github pages and embeds a calendar of the games in their various timezones, maintained by hand by @natbat
- Image and asset files for the above website and Twitter account. Awesome logo design by @thonoir.
If we are missing any Twitter hashtag games that should be added to the Twitter bot, feel free contact @natbat on Twitter or edit the code in the repository on Github with a pull request.
To get games added to the calendar please contact @natbat on Twitter with the times the competition and answer are posted as well as details of the person who runs it, the hashtag and the timezone/location of the person who runs it.
Code for the twitter bot, website as well as the assets etc are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)
by @natbat with help from @simonw and @thonoir with original game data collection by @WildlifeBioGal