This project is created for the Auth0 x Hashnode Hackathon and is one of the top winning projects. Check out my blog post!
Popcorn is a social media app for movies and tv shows using the MERNG stack - MongoDb, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, GraphQL. Users can create posts and have discussions related to tv series and movies, see list of top trending hashtags, search for something to watch, and add to a watchlist.
Clone or download this repo.
Navigate to root directory of this repository and open the terminal:
To start up the dev server:
npm start
npm install
It should load on: http://localhost:5000/
To start up the client:
cd react-client
npm install
npm start
It should load on: http://localhost:3000/
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Server: apollo-server, graphql, mongoose, dotenv
Client: react, react-router-dom, auth0-react, @apollo/client, graphql, semantic-ui-css, semantic-ui-react, moment, axios
- Server: nodemon
- Plan! Come up with an idea on paper, create a wireframe with MoqUps
- Set up server, database, and install necessary dependencies
- Create react front-end using
- Create models for Posts and Users and resolvers for graphQL
- Deploy frontend on to Netlify!
- Connect front end to back end and connect mongoDB database to AuthO
- Set up layout and add CRUD functionality
- Deploy backend on to Heroku!
- Work on responsive design and fix bugs
- Set up file structure for react-client with compnents, layout and views
- Install and add config for Auth0 - signup/login/logout routes and protected route
- Install and add config for @apollo/client dependencies - wrap ApolloProvider around App
- Add basic styling to layout components
- Create three responsive columns using grid and flex for sidebar, feed and right sidebar
- Prepare files and config for deployment
- Fetch data from apollo-client using graphQL, map, and render in Posts component
- WIP: Authed users can see and use CreatePost component to make a new post
- Add like post, delete post and create route match page for a single post
- Add create comment and delete comments on a post
- Fetch top 10 trending movies and shows data from themoviedb
- Show user avatar from Auth0 on the posts they created
- Add Search page which sorts data from themoviedb by Most Popular, Best Rated and Highest Grossing
- WIP: Mock data for trending hashtags
- WIP: Create MyList Page - users can add shows to a watchlist
- Refactor code to create smoother loading experience
- Remove mock data for TrendingHashtags and use themoviedb data
- Set up apollo-server w/ express.js and config for graphQL
- Create cluster and database on MongoDB and connect to server
- Design initial schema for Post and User
- Add CRUD functions for creating a new user and creating / deleting posts
- Add create and delete for comments on Posts and likes on Posts
- Add Like and Comment counter for posts
- Update schema with fields to match AuthO
- Prepare files and config for deployment '
- Add userAvatar to Post Schema
new Date().toISOString()
shows the wrong UK time zone - 1 hour behind - createPost and deletePost not working - Solved: add userID parameter
- empty posts can be created - Solved: add missing validation
- unable to connect to Apollo Client - Solved: CORS Policy
- likeCount and commentCount not showing - Solved: incorrect fetching query call
- typeDef errors - Solved: not correctly using ID! or String!
- Shows blank page if user is not logged in - Temp Solved: Protect all routes so users must be logged in
- Netlify build failing if eslint errors found - Solved: add environment variables CI=False
- Links which open to another page in app doesn't open from top of new page - Solved: Scroll Restoration
- .env variable not read in api - Solved: install dotenv dependency
- posting comment on a post will return comment by OP's instead of current user - Solved: use logged in userId instead of user on postId
- likeButton ternary not functioning properly (if liking other user's posts, button doesn't change color) - Solved: use logged in userId instead of user on postId
- Check if actual bug -> on like, it sets state of setLiked to false
- MongoDB account set up and connection went well!
- Finding a small typo after a long time 😭
- Deployment to Heroku and Netlify was easy process. First time deploying apollo-server but it was straightforward and well documented
- Understanding and implementing GraphQL because it's new to me!
- Managing time to complete this project alongside my full time job and other commitments
- Users can add items to their favourites / watch later list
- Sort posts by # Hashtags and show trending hashtags
- Ability to interact with movie poster -> show more details