gogo-cache is an in-memory key:value store/cache similar to memcached
It supports LRU ,LFU and FIFO.
In the future, I will support more :)
The architecture of this project is based on the project Node-Simple-Cache
go get github.com/nateriver520/gogo-cache
package main
import (
func main() {
cache := cache.New("LRU", 1000) // currently you can choose LFU ,LRU and FIFO, and here we set the size of item 1000
cache.Set(key, value, 20*time.Second) //set expire time, here is 20s
value := cache.Get(key) // get value from cache
defer cache.clear() // clear cache
- Set(key string, value interface{}, expire time.Duration)
- insert an item to the cache, replacing any existing item
- If the expire <= 0, the item will never expires
- Get(key string) interface{}
- Get an item from the cache. Returns the item or nil
- Del(key string)
- Delete an item from the cache. Does nothing if the key is not in the cache.
- Clear()
- delete all items from cache
- Count() int64
- Returns the number of items in the cache
- This may include items that have expired, but have not yet been cleaned up
gogo-cache is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0.