This is a tool to find the largest possible scale and best fit of a convex polygon inside of another polygon.
Polygons can either be created manually or by generating it from an image using the alpha channel to find the edge.
// Initialize Polygon
Polygon P;
// Add vertices
// Add edges
// Initialize Polygon
Polygon P;
// Create polygons
polygonFromAlphaImage( P, "image.png" );
// Decimate
// Initialize Polygon
Polygon P;
// Create polygons
concavePolygonFromAlphaImage( P, "image.png" );
// Decimate
Decimating the polygon removes unnecessary vertices while retaining the general shape of the polygon. This allows for a huge speedup while creating approximately the same output.
Polygons have to be in clockwise shape in order for the algorithm to work. Creating from an image will already do that but otherwise it can be made clockwise with P.makeClockwise();
// Initialize variables
float scale, rotation;
Vertex offset;
// Compute best fit
findBestFit( innerPolygon, outerPolygon, scale, rotation, offset, angleOffsetInDegrees );
This can work on any type of polygon: convex, concave, and even with a hole by using counter clockwise interior edges. The final input to the function, marked angleOffsetInDegrees, defines the angle that the interior polygon is rotated by before computing the next best fit. The smaller the angle, the greater the fit. However, the time it takes to compute the best fit is inversely proportional to the angleOffsetInDegrees. Below is the same polygon with offsets 360 (1 rotation), 30 (12 rotations), and 1 (360 rotations)
Building this repository creates an executable to test out the polygon fitting function.
- -i, --interior : The interior poylgon image
- -b, --bounding : The bounding polygon image
- -o, --output : The output image name
- -d, --decimate : Decimate value. A value of 0.01 usually works the best
- -a, --angleOffset : Value to offset poylgon by multiple times while computing the best fit.
- r, --resize : Multiplier to resize the output image by.