An example database in MSSQL using Flyway for schema migrations
Example of environment variables:
export FLYWAY_URL="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=MusicPlatform;encrypt=false;trustServerCertificate=true"
export FLYWAY_USER=sa
For local migration testing you will need a local SQL Server DB instance
This is easy with Docker. Example:
docker run -d -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=TestPassword01 -v mssqldata:/var/opt/mssql -p 1433:1433 --name azuresqledge
Flyway requires a database before it can connect. To speed up this process for development iteration, I've added
which connects and checks if the database exists, if so it drops the database then creates a new empty one.
Migrations are structured for use with FlywayDB
For local testing, you will need FlywayDB Community Edition installed
For local migration testing edit a local
file in this project's root directory with your local connection configuration and then source it. -
Then run
flyway migrate
Below establishes standard naming for SQL Server objects.
- Table names should be singular, representing a single row
- Don't embed data type into a name (e.g. PersonNameString)
- Avoid repeating the table name in the column definition (e.g. use Name instead of Volunteer Name in the Volunteer table)
- PascalCase (e.g. VolunteerNote)
- Tables created only to establish many-to-many relationships should simply be the names of the two tables (e.g. StudentClass)
- Example: A Student can have many Classes, and a Class can have many Students
These should be created as Repeatable Migrations. Follow file naming for "repeatableSqlMigrationPrefix" and "sqlMigrationSeparator".
File Naming Example:
- Views: R__schema_vw_MyView.sql
- Functions: R__schema_f_MyFunction.sql
- Procedures: R__schema_usp_MyProcedureName.sql
SQL Object Naming Example:
- Views: schema.vw_MyView
- Functions: schema.f_MyFunction
- Procedures: schema.usp_MyProcedureName
- PK for primary key indexes (e.g. PK_Volunteer_VolunteerId)
- UQ for unique indexes other than primary key (UQ_TableName_ColumnName)
- IX for all other indexes (IX_TableName_ColumName)
- FK for foreign constraints (FK_TableName_ReferencedTableName_ColumnName)
- DF for Default constraints
- CK for check constraints
- CIX for clustered indexes