If you want use this library, you only have to download BorderMenu project, import it into your workspace and add the project as a library in your android project settings.
If you prefer it, you can use the gradle dependency, you have to add these lines in your build.gradle file:
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.navasmdc:bordermenu:1.1@aar'
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:22.+'
compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.+'
This library support Android 2.2
To add this menu in your activities, these have to extends of BorderMenuActivity
BorderMenuActivity extends of FragmentActivity, if you need use fragments in your activity.
You can configure some elements of this Menu:
#####Menu color: You can change the color menu by calling this function:
setMenuColor(int color);
#####Menu icon color: You can change the color icon menu by calling this function:
setMenuIconColor(int color);
#####Hide menu by touching out You can configure the menu for hide it when the user will be touch out of it:
setHidedOnTouchOutside(boolean bool);
#####Show/Hide the menu icon You can show or hide the menu icon whenever you want by calling these functions:
#####Show/Hide the menu You can show or hide the menu icon whenever you want by calling these functions:
You can know if the menu if showed by calling to function
#####Icon item
new IconItem(Context context, int id, int drawable);
When you generate a IconItem you've to set an id for detect it in the event listener and a drawable resource for the icon.
#####Text item
new TextItem(Context context, int id, String text,int color);
When you generate a TextItem you've to set an id for detect it in the event listener,a string for the text and the color of the text.
#####Interaction with the items
#####Add items
For add items to the menu bars, you can call to these functions:
addTopItem(MenuItem item);
addLeftItem(IconItem item);
The left menu bar only allow add IconItems
#####Get items
For get items on the menu bars, you can call to this function:
getItemById(int id);
#####Remove items
For remove items on the menu bars, you can call to these functions::
removeTopItem(int id);
removeLeftItem(int id);
#####Item click listener
For detect the click on the items, you've to overwrite this function:
public void onItemClick(int id) { }
For more information see MainActivity of BorderMenuDemo project.