In this project, we asked to optimize the following aspects of scheduling a workday for a hypothetical taxi agency.
Phase 1: Minimizing the number of taxi drivers
Phase 2: Minimizing the amount of time in which the taxi has no passenger in order to minimize the environmental cost
Phase 3: To find an optimal point according to the trade-off between minimizing the number of cars and environmental cost
This project contains several datasets, and each dataset consist of N trips which are denoted by ai, bi, si (a.k.a. c) , di:
ai: the start time of trip i
bi: the end time of trip i
si: the starting point of the trip i
di: the ending point of the trip i
In the project, the class Trip
is defined to model trips in our implementation.
There is also a MatrixD which shows the distances between every point in our problem, e.g. element dzy indicates the distance between location z and y. There is a dictionary in our implementation called dist
that represents this matrix.
Note that the taxi agency is located at location 1.
After each trip, the taxi driver can go back to the agency or go for another trip. After finishing a trip, we can decide whether the driver come back to the agency with no passenger or taking another available trip.
This minimization can be achieved using either Minimum Cost Flow network problem or mathematical modeling (Integer Programming).
Assume that the flow in the minimum cost flow problem denotes the number of taxi drivers and each trip is represented by two nodes (si, di). Hence, the problem is modeled in a way that the capacity of edges and the demands of nodes restrict the network flow to solve the problem.
In the figure below, the network model is depicted for only two trips. Obviously, the maximum required number of cars is equal to two. The lower and upper bound of the edges (S1, D1) and (S2, D2) force the model to assign exactly one taxi to each trip.
The cost of bypass arc (Agency, Agency) is set to be -1 so that the model passes flow through this arc as much a possible and minimizes the flow (number of cars) in the main network. The upper bound of the bypass arc is equal to N. If the flow fills the bypass arc completely, it means there is no car assigned to any trip.
The edge (D1, S2) shows if a taxi can start trip 2 after trip 1 was finished.
Considering the fact that the Netwokx
library does not support lower bound constraints on edges, we had to do a technique and simulate these constraints by the corresponding demand capabilities of nodes. The technique is to set -1 as demands on Si and 1 on Di respectively as depicted in the following figure.
After solving this model using networkx.network_simplex
, the minimum number of cars is equal to N-f
where f is the flow of bypass arc.
The following figure is the solved network for General-Dataset-1.txt
. The orange arcs show the passed flows (taxies). Note that the bypass arc is not plotted in order to simplify the model. The optimal car assignment for this problem is:
taxi 1: trip 0 - trip 8
taxi 2: trip 1 - trip 3 - trip 9 - trip 5
taxi 3: trip 2 - trip 7
taxi 4: trip 4 - trip 6
The minimum number of required taxis is equal to 4.
The solved model for dataset d1.txt
taxi 1: trip 0 - trip 6 - trip 7
taxi 2: trip 1 - trip 8
taxi 3: trip 2 - trip 9
taxi 4: trip 3 - trip 5
taxi 5: trip 4
The minimum number of required taxis is equal to 5.
The Integer Programming model is basically our network model which is formulated mathematically to be solved by an integer programming solver (in this case pulp
library). The formulation is as follows:
Dataset | Network Simplex RunTime (sec) | ILP RunTime (sec) |
0.00131 |
0.01856 |
0.21077 |
0.77281 |
7.55162 |
25.65958 |
0.00119 |
0.01160 |
0.08989 |
0.31820 |
15.74275 |
61.40548 |
Dataset | Network Simplex Optimal Solution | ILP Optimal Solution |
4 |
4 |
47 |
47 |
173 |
173 |
5 |
5 |
36 |
36 |
200 |
200 |
Like the 1st phase, this minimization can also be achieved using either Minimum Cost Flow network problem or mathematical modeling (Integer Programming).
In this phase, the objective is to minimize the time in which the taxies are traveling without any passengers. The arcs that indicate this situation are:
(Aency, Si): The taxi leaving the agency to pick up a passenger
(Di, Agency): The taxi returning to the agency with no passenger
(Di, Sj): The ith trip is finished and the taxi is going for the jth trip
Each arc has its own cost which is calculated according to the distance between its source and destination.
The following figure indicates the model for two trips. In this phase, there is no concern about minimizing the number of required cars, so the cost of bypass arc is set to be zero.
The following figure is the solved network for General-Dataset-1.txt
. The optimal car assignment for this problem is:
taxi 1: trip 0 - trip 3 - trip 9 - trip 5
cost = 18 + 0 + 11 + 7 + 11
taxi 2: trip 1 - trip 8
cost = 20 + 8 + 20
taxi 3: trip 2 - trip 4 - trip 6
cost = 11 + 0 + 12 + 6
taxi 4: trip 7
cost = 4 + 18
The number of required taxies: 4 The minimum environmental cost: 146
The solved model for dataset d1.txt
taxi 1: trip 0
cost: 16 + 0
taxi 2: trip 1 - trip 6
cost: 20 + 8 + 4
taxi 3: trip 2 - trip 5
cost: 19 + 0 + 19
taxi 4: trip 3 - trip 7
cost: 20 + 8 + 20
taxi 5: trip 4 - trip 8 - trip 9
cost: 16 + 4 + 0 + 0
The number of required taxies: 5 The minimum environmental cost: 154
Same as phase1
, the Integer Programming model our network model which is formulated mathematically to be solved by pulp
. The formulation is as follows:
Dataset | Network Simplex RunTime (sec) | ILP RunTime (sec) |
0.00133 |
0.01215 |
0.17367 |
12.92621 |
6.90205 |
N.A |
0.00126 |
0.01155 |
0.07989 |
2.99807 |
4.32141 |
N.A |
Dataset | Network Simplex Optimal Solution | ILP Optimal Solution | ||
Min Env. Cost |
Car Number |
Min Env. Cost |
Car Number |
146 |
4 |
146 |
4 |
1382 |
54 |
1382 |
47 |
4905 |
177 |
N.A |
N.A |
154 |
5 |
154 |
5 |
997 |
42 |
997 |
36 |
5769 |
201 |
N.A |
N.A |
The differences between the car numbers in the network model and ILP model is just because of Alternative Optimal Solution |
From real-life experience, we know that salvation is to obtain the best of the two worlds (phase 1&2). In another word, in this phase, we want to minimize not only the number of required cars but also the environmental cost.
We have two main ideas to obtain this objective:
The phase2
model can also be improved with a few tweaks to achieve the desired behavior. By setting the cost of bypass arc to -1, the solver chooses the minimum number of required cars and then assigns these cars in a way that the environmental cost will also get minimized.
The minimum number of required cars and environmental cost is calculated as below:
The minimum number of required cars: N - f
The environmental cost: model objective value + f
According to this idea, the minimum number of required cars is calculated using phase1
. Suppose that the minimum number of required cars is equal to n. Then we check if allowing more cars up to a certain threshold (10%) can reduce environmental cost by running phase2
and comparing its results for the corresponding number of cars. Therefore, the phase2
model should be changed in order to utilize all of the input flows (cars). It means that no flow is permitted to pass through the bypass arc. In order to do this, the cost of bypass arc should be equal to infinity
The optimal answer according to the specified situation (with respect to 10% loss in profit for the benefit of the environment) is the best solution of the mentioned iterations.
As you may have already noticed, there is a performance problem here due to the number of iterations. However, to make things a little bit better, we can calculate the minimum environmental cost (using phase2
) and then use it to terminate the iterations whenever we reach the minimum environmental cost.
Dataset | Version 1 | Version 2 | ||
Optimal Car Number |
Optimal Env. Cost |
Optimal Car Number |
Optimal Env. Cost |
4 |
146 |
4 |
146 |
47 |
1382 |
47 |
1382 |
173 |
4905 |
173 |
4905 |
5 |
154 |
5 |
154 |
36 |
997 |
36 |
997 |
200 |
5769 |
200 |
5769 |