Prattle is an anonymous chat app and a great way to meet new people. Prattle will pick someone random for you and create a private chat session. If you prefer to add your interests, Prattle will look to connect you with someone who shares some of your interests.
Technologies Used:
- Node.js (Express)
- React+Redux
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Nginx
- Docker
- Kubernetes
To run the app in development mode :
domain in Google reCaptcha v3 site here and copy your Site key and Secret key. Create a new file in the project root
Create another file in the project root directory
with the following content :NODE_ENV=development REDIS_URL="redis://redis-dev-server" MONGODB_URL="mongodb://root:example@mongo-dev-server:27017/" GOOGLE_SECRET_KEY="$YOUR_GOOGLE_SECRET_KEY"
Run the following command in the root directory to start up the development server :
docker-compose -f up --build
For Production build and deployment :
Create the following files in /k8s directory :
kind: Secret metadata: name: backend-env-secrets type: Opaque stringData: REDIS_URL: "redis://username:password@host:port" MONGODB_URL: "mongodb://username:password@host/" GOOGLE_SECRET_KEY: "$YOUR_GOOGLE_SECRET_KEY"```
Update the image names of
services indocker-compose.yml
and build the images and push it to your docker repository using the following commandsdocker-compose build --pull docker-compose push
Set your gcloud project id using the following command :
gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID
Generate kubectl config using the following command :
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --zone $ZONE --project $PROJECT_ID
Create cluster role binding to use ingress-nginx using the following command:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \ --clusterrole cluster-admin \ --user $(gcloud config get-value account)
Install ingress-nginx :
kubectl apply -f
Install cert-manager for SSL support :
kubectl apply -f
To deploy to gcloud, run the following command from root directory :
kubectl apply -f ./k8s
You should see your resources created and the application running. To access the application, simply get the ingress service IP Address and use it in browser.