- nv-task-event-tree
- simple event tree, bottom-to-up-style
- support two kind task-nodes: serial AND parallel
- support recover, pause/continue
- support 4 ctrl keywords: IF and ELIF and ELSE and WHILE
- npm install nv-task-event-tree
const evt = require("nv-task-event-tree")
const evt = require("nv-task-event-tree");
//blue_print is in bottom-to-up style
var bp = `
}-> [tsk001]->
}-> [tsk002]->
)-> [tsk00]
* {...} means parallel task,
it will start children at the same time,similiar to Promise.all
* (...) means serial task,
it will start in DFS-sequence, similar to html-traverse sequence
* [task-name] task-name MUST be enclosed in []
* -> means parent task is serial, is OPTIONAL and JUST a SIGN
* (coz '(...)' already decided)
* -| means parent task is parallel, is OPTIONAL and JUST a SIGN
* (coz '{...}' already decided)
* 大括号括起来的 {child,child....} 表示一个!并行!任务节点: child 是同时开始的
* 小括号括起来的 (child,child....) 表示一个!串行!任务节点: child 是按照DFS序依次执行的
* -| 表示该节点的父节点是 并行节点, -| 是可以省略的,只是为了看起来清楚一些,起决定作用的是 外层的{}
* -> 表示该节点的父节点是 串行节点, -> 是可以省略的,只是为了看起来清楚一些,起决定作用的是 外层的()
* [] 表示任务节点名
* the executing sequence as below(
its starting from-top-to-down,
and executing from-bottom-to-up
* [tsk000] start->
* {[tsk0010],[tsk0011],[tsk0012]} parallel-start //coz parent [tsk001] is parallel
* [tsk001] will handle notifications //similiar to Promise.all
* [tsk001] start->
* {[tsk0020],[tsk0021],[tsk0022]} parallel-start //coz parent [tsk001] is parallel
* [tsk002] will handle notifications //similiar to Promise.all
* [tsk002] start->
* [tsk00] start->
* // [tsk000]->[tsk001]->[tsk002]
//is executed one-after-one,coz parent [tsk00] is serial
* at final,[@root@](created by default) will return a promise,
it could be found at tsk.p_
* 上图表示如下执行顺序(是一个自顶向下开始,但是自底向上执行的模型):
* [tsk000] 先开始->
* {[tsk0010],[tsk0011],[tsk0012]} 并行开始 //因为父节点[tsk001] 是一个并行节点
* 结束后通知 [tsk001] //行为类似Promise.all
* [tsk001] 开始->
* {[tsk0020],[tsk0021],[tsk0022]} 并行开始 //因为父节点[tsk002] 是一个并行节点
* 结束后通知 [tsk002] //行为类似Promise.all
* [tsk002] 开始->
* [tsk00] 开始->
* // [tsk000]->[tsk001]->[tsk002] 是按顺序执行的,因为父节点 [tsk00] 是一个串行节点
* 最后最顶层的[@root@](默认生成的)
* 会有一个promise(根节点的一个getter : tsk.p_)
var tsk = evt.load_from_blue_print(bp)
//now the task-tree topology is ready
//现在任务流的 执行树 已经 配置好了
[tsk000 : ready]->
[tsk0010 : ready] -|
[tsk0011 : ready] -|
[tsk0012 : ready] -|
}-> [tsk001 : ready]->
[tsk0020 : ready] -|
[tsk0021 : ready] -|
[tsk0022 : ready] -|
}-> [tsk002 : ready]
)-> [tsk00 : ready : ready]
)-> [0 : ready]
//now we need to add executor to task-node
// executor is a function : (rtrn,thrw,self)=> {...}
// rtrn IS return/resolve
// thrw IS throw/reject
// self IS the-task-node self provide many methods begin with $
// SUCH AS .$parent_ .$fstch_ .$lsib_ .$rsib_...
// TO GET RELATIONS, its for simulate SCOPE
//we create a function-factory for testing, which always rtrn(return/resolve)
// 任务是一个形如 (rtrn,thrw,self)=> {...} 的函数
// rtrn 是return
// thrw 是throw
// self 是任务节点本身 可以通过 提供的很多$开头的方法
// 比如 .$parent_ .$fstch_ .$lsib_ .$rsib_...
// 来获取相关的关系, 起到类似定义域查询的功能
//为了简化,创建一个生成异步任务的函数, 全部是成功
function creat_executor(delay) {
let _f = (rtrn,thrw,self)=> {
console.log(self.name_,'started at',new Date())
()=> {
console.log(self.name_,'succ at',new Date())
//add executor to task-node
// .T_ is a setter Proxy, use tsk.T_.executor_ = to add executor-func
// .T_ 是一个setter Proxy, 使用它来添加节点任务(.executor_)
tsk.T_.tsk0020.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.T_.tsk0021.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.T_.tsk0022.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.T_.tsk002.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.T_.tsk0010.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.T_.tsk0011.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.T_.tsk0012.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.T_.tsk001.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.T_.tsk000.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.T_.tsk00.executor_ = creat_executor(5000)
tsk.executor_ = (rtrn,thrw,self) => { //collect all results on root-node
rtrn(self.$sdfs_.map(nd=>nd.rslt_)) //根节点上采集所有任务结果用来观察
//launch the task
var p = tsk.launch();
tsk000 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:33.985Z
tsk000 succ at 2021-12-16T09:31:38.993Z
tsk0010 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:38.995Z
tsk0011 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:38.995Z
tsk0012 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:38.996Z
// when the task-tree is executing USE tsk.show() TO observe the state
// if task-nodes too many
// do not USE tsk.show(),console will be slow ,coz it will expand the whole tree
// should USE tsk.T_[task-name].show(),it only expand the subtree
// at the same time USE
// tsk.T_[task-name].$ances_.forEach(pr=>pr.show()),TO observe ancestor-task-nodes
// 执行过程中使用tsk.show() 观察节点任务执行状态
// 如果任务节点特别多
// 不要使用 tsk.show(),console会很卡,因为会展开整棵任务树
// 应该使用 tsk.T_[task-name].show(),只展开子树
// 同时使用 tsk.T_[task-name].$ances_.forEach(pr=>pr.show()),来观察 父祖节点状态
> tsk.show()
tsk0010 succ at 2021-12-16T09:31:44.000Z
tsk0011 succ at 2021-12-16T09:31:44.007Z
tsk0012 succ at 2021-12-16T09:31:44.011Z
tsk001 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:44.014Z
tsk001 succ at 2021-12-16T09:31:49.022Z
tsk0020 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:49.024Z
tsk0021 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:49.024Z
tsk0022 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:49.028Z
> tsk.show()
tsk0020 succ at 2021-12-16T09:31:54.028Z
tsk0021 succ at 2021-12-16T09:31:54.034Z
tsk0022 succ at 2021-12-16T09:31:54.042Z
tsk002 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:54.044Z
tsk002 succ at 2021-12-16T09:31:59.046Z
tsk00 started at 2021-12-16T09:31:59.048Z
tsk00 succ at 2021-12-16T09:32:04.051Z
> tsk.show()
> p //tsk.p_
Promise {
Symbol(noexist), 'tsk00',
'tsk000', 'tsk001',
'tsk0010', 'tsk0011',
'tsk0012', 'tsk002',
'tsk0020', 'tsk0021',
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 44,
[Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 5,
[Symbol(destroyed)]: { destroyed: false }
//IF the tsk in a settled-state:
// resolved | self_rejected | bubble_rejected | impossible
//OR ready-state : ready
// USE tsk.soft_reset()
//IF the tsk in a pending-state:
// opened | self_executing
//OR in a paused-state:
// self_paused | bubble_paused
//OR in conding-state: which is USED to support IF/ELIF/ELSE/WHILE
// conding
//USE tsk.hard_reset()
//hard_reset will respawn many nodes, do NOT use it
// coz in JS layer ,you CANT always real pause a executing task,
// such as setTimeout USING clearTimeout
// fetch USING AbortController
// but NOT all async function has FIXED cancel method
// so we must replace/respawn the task-node to avoid pollution
//since the task-tree settled, we first reset the tsk
//上面的任务树已经执行完一次了,先调用 tsk.soft_reset() 重置一下
> tsk.soft_reset()
Task [0 : ready] {}
> tsk.show()
[tsk000 : ready]->
[tsk0010 : ready]-|
[tsk0011 : ready]-|
[tsk0012 : ready]-|
}-> [tsk001 : ready]->
[tsk0020 : ready]-|
[tsk0021 : ready]-|
[tsk0022 : ready]-|
}-> [tsk002 : ready]
)-> [tsk00 : ready]
)-> [0 : ready]
//we change the executor on [tsk0011] to a larger delay, for observing the pause behavior
//为了进行pause 的实验,我们把 [tsk0011] 上的 executor 换一个deley 大点的
tsk.T_.tsk0011.executor_ = creat_executor(60000)
var p = tsk.launch();
tsk000 started at 2021-12-16T11:07:11.145Z
tsk000 succ at 2021-12-16T11:07:16.153Z
tsk0010 started at 2021-12-16T11:07:16.155Z
tsk0011 started at 2021-12-16T11:07:16.155Z
tsk0012 started at 2021-12-16T11:07:16.156Z
tsk0010 succ at 2021-12-16T11:07:21.158Z
tsk0012 succ at 2021-12-16T11:07:21.162Z
//now we pause it
> tsk.pause()
Set(1) { Task [tsk0011 : self_paused] {} }
> tsk.running_
Set(1) { Task [tsk0011 : self_paused] {} }
//running_ is a getter for all-currently self-executing|self-paused task-nodes
// it is a Set , for support parallel (maybe multi task-nodes self-executing at the same time)
//running_ 包含所有 self-executing|self-paused 节点
// 它是一个Set,目的是为了支持!并行!父节点, 因为在JS层宏观上,同一时刻可能有多个节点在执行
> tsk.show()
//let we wait for enough time, you will notice the below log(since [tsk0011] already paused)
!!!【tsk0011 succ at 2021-12-16T11:08:16.157Z】!!!
//but just IGNORE it, coz its from the executor-frame-on-old-task-node
//since you can NOT always real pause most function in JS layer(
// such as fetch USING AbortController;
// setTimeout USING clearTimeout;
// but NOT all async API provide cancel/abort/pause method
//so nv-task-event-tree USE a trick: it replace/respawn the old-task-node with a-new-one
//on the same place in task-tree
//它其实是从 旧的[tsk0011] 上的executor-frame来的
//因为在JS层,多大多数函数来说,并不能真正的暂停,即使提供了类似 cancel/abort/pause功能的
// 接口也不一致 : setTimeout,AbortController.....
//所以nv-task-event-tree用了一个技巧: replace/respawn 旧的[tsk0011]
//此时虽然节点上的属性 executor conder state 与 旧的[tsk0011] 完全一样,但是是一个新节点
// 旧的[tsk0011] 上的executor虽然还在执行,但是其结果不会污染 task-node
> tsk.show()
> p
Promise {
<pending>, // still pending
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 161,
[Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 5,
[Symbol(destroyed)]: { destroyed: false }
//now we continue the task-tree
//现在我们执行 tsk.continue()
> tsk.continue()
tsk0011 started at 2021-12-16T11:11:37.037Z
Set(1) { Task [tsk0011 : self_executing] {} }
tsk0011 succ at 2021-12-16T11:12:37.049Z
tsk001 started at 2021-12-16T11:12:37.050Z
tsk001 succ at 2021-12-16T11:12:42.051Z
tsk0020 started at 2021-12-16T11:12:42.052Z
tsk0021 started at 2021-12-16T11:12:42.053Z
tsk0022 started at 2021-12-16T11:12:42.054Z
tsk0020 succ at 2021-12-16T11:12:47.058Z
tsk0021 succ at 2021-12-16T11:12:47.059Z
tsk0022 succ at 2021-12-16T11:12:47.060Z
tsk002 started at 2021-12-16T11:12:47.067Z
tsk002 succ at 2021-12-16T11:12:52.076Z
tsk00 started at 2021-12-16T11:12:52.077Z
tsk00 succ at 2021-12-16T11:12:57.081Z
> tsk.running_
Set(0) {}
//OK .done reset the task-tree
//we change the executor on [tsk0011] to let it random fail
//为了进行rejected 的实验,我们把 [tsk0011] 上的 executor 换一个大概率fail 小概率succ的
tsk.T_.tsk0011.executor_ = (rtrn,thrw,self) => {
console.log(self.name_,'started at',new Date())
()=> {
let failed = Math.random() > 0.25;
if(failed) {
console.log(self.name_,'failed at',new Date())
thrw(new Error(self.name_))
} else {
console.log(self.name_,'succ at',new Date())
var p = tsk.launch();
tsk000 started at 2021-12-16T12:09:03.870Z
tsk000 succ at 2021-12-16T12:09:08.877Z
tsk0010 started at 2021-12-16T12:09:08.883Z
tsk0011 started at 2021-12-16T12:09:08.890Z
tsk0012 started at 2021-12-16T12:09:08.896Z
tsk0010 succ at 2021-12-16T12:09:13.895Z
tsk0011 failed at 2021-12-16T12:09:13.898Z
Uncaught Error: tsk0011 //----->
tsk0012 succ at 2021-12-16T12:09:13.918Z
> tsk
Task [0 : bubble_rejected] {}
> tsk.rejected_at_ //tsk.rejected_at_ is a getter of current-self-rejected node
Task [tsk0011 : self_rejected] {}
> p
Promise {
<rejected> [Error: tsk0011],
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 44,
[Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 5,
[Symbol(destroyed)]: { destroyed: false }
//now lets try to recover
// recover will renew the tsk.p_
//recover 会产生一个新的promise
> var np = tsk.recover()
tsk0011 started at 2021-12-16T12:10:13.566Z
tsk0011 failed at 2021-12-16T12:10:18.569Z
Uncaught Error: tsk0011
> var np = tsk.recover() //---AGAIN
tsk0011 started at 2021-12-16T12:10:21.757Z
tsk0011 succ at 2021-12-16T12:10:26.764Z
tsk001 started at 2021-12-16T12:10:26.765Z
tsk001 succ at 2021-12-16T12:10:31.773Z
tsk0020 started at 2021-12-16T12:10:31.775Z
tsk0021 started at 2021-12-16T12:10:31.776Z
tsk0022 started at 2021-12-16T12:10:31.782Z
tsk0020 succ at 2021-12-16T12:10:36.782Z
tsk0021 succ at 2021-12-16T12:10:36.783Z
tsk0022 succ at 2021-12-16T12:10:36.787Z
tsk002 started at 2021-12-16T12:10:36.791Z
tsk002 succ at 2021-12-16T12:10:41.798Z
tsk00 started at 2021-12-16T12:10:41.799Z
tsk00 succ at 2021-12-16T12:10:46.805Z
> tsk.rejected_at_
- carryon EQUALS recover() | continue(), based on the stuck-reason
- IF(conder)
- ELIF(conder)
- WHILE(condet)
conder:(rtrn_tru,rtrn_fls,self) => {...}
//similar to executor
//on each task use .conder_ = to set it
if chain only work on children of serial-task-node
//let us create a simple task-tree: just a serial-link // IF/ELIF/ELSE 只能使用在 串行 父节点的 子节点上
var bp =
;var tsk = evt.load_from_blue_print(bp)
/* > tsk.show() ( ( [tsk0 : ready]-> [tsk1 : ready]-> [tsk2 : ready]-> [tsk3 : ready]-> [tsk4 : ready]-> [tsk5 : ready] )-> [1 : ready] //this is the auto-generated anonymous parent )-> [0 : ready] //this is the auto-generated root */ //we use a conder-factory to creat base-conder // which return(true) if [tsk].param === 3 // else return(false) //later we will USE evt.IF/evt.ELIF to wrap the base-conder // 首先写一个简单的生成 conder 模板 的函数 // [tsk].param === 3 时满足条件 // 我们稍后要使用 evt.IF/evt.ELIF 把conder包起来 function creat_conder(delay) { let _f = (rtrn_tru,rtrn_fls,self)=> { console.log(self.name_,'started conder at',new Date()) setTimeout( ()=> { console.log(self.name_,'finish conder at',new Date()) if(self.param === 3) { rtrn_tru() } else { rtrn_fls() } }, delay ) } return(_f) } //the ctrl logic to impl: //我们实现如下逻辑 /* if(param === 0) { [tsk0].exec() } else if(param ===1) { [tsk1].exec() } else if(param ===2) { [tsk2].exec() } else if(param ===3) { [tsk3].exec() } else if(param ===3) { //impossible branch [tsk4].exec() } else { //impossible branch [tsk5].exec() } */ //使用evt.IF 和 evt.ELIF // 需要 evt.IF(conder) evt.ELIF(conder) //使用evt.ELSE 不用带参数 // evt.ELSE is internally a special base-conder // it is NOT a conder-wrapper // so use it without conder-param tsk.T_.tsk0.param = 0 tsk.T_.tsk0.conder_ = evt.IF(creat_conder(10000)) tsk.T_.tsk0.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) tsk.T_.tsk1.param = 1 tsk.T_.tsk1.conder_ = evt.ELIF(creat_conder(10000)) tsk.T_.tsk1.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) tsk.T_.tsk2.param = 2 tsk.T_.tsk2.conder_ = evt.ELIF(creat_conder(10000)) tsk.T_.tsk2.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) tsk.T_.tsk3.param = 3 tsk.T_.tsk3.conder_ = evt.ELIF(creat_conder(10000)) tsk.T_.tsk3.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) tsk.T_.tsk4.param = 3 tsk.T_.tsk4.conder_ = evt.ELIF(creat_conder(10000)) tsk.T_.tsk4.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) tsk.T_.tsk5.param = 3 tsk.T_.tsk5.conder_ = evt.ELSE //ELSE have no conder-param tsk.T_.tsk5.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) /* > tsk.$sdfs_.map(nd=>nd.conder_) [ [Function: DFLT_CU_CONDER], [Function: DFLT_CU_CONDER], [Function: _if] { [Symbol(if)]: true }, [Function: _elif] { [Symbol(elif)]: true }, [Function: _elif] { [Symbol(elif)]: true }, [Function: _elif] { [Symbol(elif)]: true }, [Function: _elif] { [Symbol(elif)]: true }, [Function: ELSE] { [Symbol(else)]: true } ] > tsk.$sdfs_.map(nd=>nd) [ Task [0 : ready] {}, Task [1 : ready] {}, Task [tsk0 : ready] { param: 0 }, Task [tsk1 : ready] { param: 1 }, Task [tsk2 : ready] { param: 2 }, Task [tsk3 : ready] { param: 3 }, Task [tsk4 : ready] { param: 3 }, Task [tsk5 : ready] { param: 3 } ] */ var p = tsk.launch() > tsk0 started conder at 2021-12-16T13:06:52.321Z > tsk.show()
tsk0 finish conder at 2021-12-16T13:07:02.332Z
tsk1 started conder at 2021-12-16T13:07:02.339Z
tsk1 finish conder at 2021-12-16T13:07:12.354Z
tsk2 started conder at 2021-12-16T13:07:12.355Z
tsk2 finish conder at 2021-12-16T13:07:22.364Z
tsk3 started conder at 2021-12-16T13:07:22.365Z
tsk3 finish conder at 2021-12-16T13:07:32.374Z
tsk3 started at 2021-12-16T13:07:32.374Z
tsk3 succ at 2021-12-16T13:07:34.378Z
0 started at 2021-12-16T13:07:34.384Z
0 succ at 2021-12-16T13:07:36.392Z
//we change the base-conder and creat_executor to TEST evt.WHILE
//我们改变一下creat_conder 和 creat_executor 的逻辑
//实验一下 WHILE 关键字
function creat_conder(delay) {
let _f = (rtrn_tru,rtrn_fls,self)=> {
console.log(self.name_,'started conder at',new Date())
()=> {
console.log(self.name_,'finish conder at',new Date(),self.param)
if(self.param < 3) { //==================>
} else {
function creat_executor(delay) {
let _f = (rtrn,thrw,self)=> {
console.log(self.name_,'started at',new Date())
()=> {
console.log(self.name_,'succ at',new Date())
self.param = self.param +1 //==================>
tsk.executor_ = creat_executor(2000)
tsk.T_.tsk0.param = 0 //========================>
tsk.T_.tsk0.conder_ = evt.WHILE(creat_conder(1000))
tsk.T_.tsk0.executor_ = creat_executor(2000)
tsk.T_.tsk1.param = 0 //========================>
tsk.T_.tsk1.conder_ = evt.WHILE(creat_conder(1000))
tsk.T_.tsk1.executor_ = creat_executor(2000)
tsk.T_.tsk2.param = 0 //========================>
tsk.T_.tsk2.conder_ = evt.WHILE(creat_conder(1000))
tsk.T_.tsk2.executor_ = creat_executor(2000)
tsk.T_.tsk3.param = 0 //========================>
tsk.T_.tsk3.conder_ = evt.WHILE(creat_conder(1000))
tsk.T_.tsk3.executor_ = creat_executor(2000)
tsk.T_.tsk4.param = 0 //========================>
tsk.T_.tsk4.conder_ = evt.WHILE(creat_conder(1000))
tsk.T_.tsk4.executor_ = creat_executor(2000)
tsk.T_.tsk5.param = 0 //========================>
tsk.T_.tsk5.conder_ = evt.WHILE(creat_conder(1000))
tsk.T_.tsk5.executor_ = creat_executor(2000)
> tsk.$sdfs_.map(nd=>nd.conder_)
[Function: _while_frame] { [Symbol(while)]: true },
[Function: _while_frame] { [Symbol(while)]: true },
[Function: _while_frame] { [Symbol(while)]: true },
[Function: _while_frame] { [Symbol(while)]: true },
[Function: _while_frame] { [Symbol(while)]: true },
[Function: _while_frame] { [Symbol(while)]: true }
> tsk.$sdfs_.map(nd=>nd)
Task [0 : ready] {},
Task [1 : ready] {},
Task [tsk0 : ready] { param: 0 },
Task [tsk1 : ready] { param: 0 },
Task [tsk2 : ready] { param: 0 },
Task [tsk3 : ready] { param: 0 },
Task [tsk4 : ready] { param: 0 },
Task [tsk5 : ready] { param: 0 }
var p = tsk.launch()
> var p = tsk.launch()
tsk0 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:10.668Z
tsk0 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:11.672Z 0
tsk0 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:11.678Z <-------------------------------------
tsk0 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:13.687Z ------------------------------------->
tsk0 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:13.689Z
tsk0 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:14.694Z 1
tsk0 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:14.698Z <-------------------------------------
tsk0 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:16.705Z ------------------------------------->
tsk0 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:16.706Z
tsk0 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:17.709Z 2
tsk0 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:17.712Z <-------------------------------------
tsk0 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:19.713Z ------------------------------------->
tsk0 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:19.714Z
tsk0 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:20.716Z 3
tsk1 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:20.718Z
tsk1 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:21.720Z 0
tsk1 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:21.724Z
tsk1 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:23.734Z
tsk1 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:23.738Z
tsk1 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:24.744Z 1
tsk1 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:24.748Z
tsk1 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:26.756Z
tsk1 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:26.757Z
tsk1 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:27.759Z 2
tsk1 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:27.759Z
tsk1 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:29.762Z
tsk1 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:29.763Z
tsk1 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:30.766Z 3
tsk2 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:30.767Z
tsk2 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:31.769Z 0
tsk2 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:31.770Z
tsk2 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:33.774Z
tsk2 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:33.778Z
tsk2 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:34.782Z 1
tsk2 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:34.785Z
tsk2 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:36.790Z
tsk2 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:36.791Z
tsk2 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:37.795Z 2
tsk2 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:37.796Z
tsk2 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:39.798Z
tsk2 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:39.801Z
tsk2 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:40.804Z 3
tsk3 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:40.810Z
tsk3 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:41.812Z 0
tsk3 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:41.813Z
tsk3 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:43.819Z
tsk3 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:43.820Z
tsk3 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:44.822Z 1
tsk3 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:44.822Z
tsk3 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:46.827Z
tsk3 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:46.832Z
tsk3 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:47.839Z 2
tsk3 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:47.840Z
tsk3 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:49.847Z
tsk3 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:49.847Z
tsk3 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:50.850Z 3
tsk4 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:50.851Z
tsk4 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:51.855Z 0
tsk4 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:51.858Z
tsk4 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:53.865Z
tsk4 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:53.866Z
tsk4 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:54.867Z 1
tsk4 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:54.870Z
tsk4 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:56.874Z
tsk4 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:56.879Z
tsk4 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:57.886Z 2
tsk4 started at 2021-12-17T05:55:57.888Z
tsk4 succ at 2021-12-17T05:55:59.894Z
tsk4 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:55:59.897Z
tsk4 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:56:00.902Z 3
tsk5 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:56:00.903Z
tsk5 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:56:01.904Z 0
tsk5 started at 2021-12-17T05:56:01.905Z
tsk5 succ at 2021-12-17T05:56:03.910Z
tsk5 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:56:03.912Z
tsk5 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:56:04.914Z 1
tsk5 started at 2021-12-17T05:56:04.915Z
tsk5 succ at 2021-12-17T05:56:06.916Z
tsk5 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:56:06.918Z
tsk5 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:56:07.919Z 2
tsk5 started at 2021-12-17T05:56:07.919Z
tsk5 succ at 2021-12-17T05:56:09.923Z
tsk5 started conder at 2021-12-17T05:56:09.926Z
tsk5 finish conder at 2021-12-17T05:56:10.931Z 3
0 started at 2021-12-17T05:56:10.936Z
0 succ at 2021-12-17T05:56:12.944Z
see APIS.wrap for function-signature-detail
//nv-task-event-tree provide 7 APIS for run a loop of tsk //evt 提供了7个API, 用来启动一个tsk loop //主要为方便一些使用,比如你想 24小时不间断的爬一个网站 // 同时自动重试 0. try_until_succ //直到task-tree 成功,遇到错误自动恢复继续 1. limited_auto_recover_loop //有限次数的try_until_succ, 2. endless_auto_recover_loop //无限次数的try_until_succ, 除非手动停止 3. repeat_until_fail // 有限次数的,直到遇到错误 4. repeat_ignore_fail // 有限次数的,忽略错误反复run,不自动恢复,而是每次重新run 5. endless_repeat_loop_until_fail //repeat_until_fail 的无限版, 除非手动停止 6. endless_repeat_loop_ignore_fail //repeat_ignore_fail 的无限版, 除非手动停止 //this time we dont USE blue_print, we try load_from_json to build task-tree // J is a top-to-down style config //这次我们不使用blue_print, 我们使用load_from_json 构造task-tree //和blue_print不同, J 是自顶向下书写的传统模型 //J 的好处是 可以 预先把 conder, executor 添在里面(但是这种方式不好,一团糟) var J = [ 'tsk00',{type:'serial'},[ 'tsk000',[ ], 'tsk001',{type:'parallel'},[ 'tsk0010', 'tsk0011', 'tsk0012', ], 'tsk002',{type:'parallel'},[ 'tsk0020', 'tsk0021', 'tsk0022' ] ] ] var tsk = evt.load_from_json(J) /* tsk.show() ( { [tsk000 : ready] -| { [tsk0010 : ready]-| [tsk0011 : ready]-| [tsk0012 : ready]-| }-> [tsk001 : ready] -| { [tsk0020 : ready]-| [tsk0021 : ready]-| [tsk0022 : ready]-| }-> [tsk002 : ready] -| }-> [tsk00 : ready] )-> [@root@ : ready] */ //we creat a random promise factory //我们创建一个随机resolve/reject 的 executor工厂 function creat_executor(delay) { let _f = (rtrn,thrw,self)=> { console.log(self.name_,'started at',new Date()) setTimeout( ()=> { let fail = Math.random() > 0.5; //-------------------------> if(fail) { console.log(self.name_,'failed at',new Date()); thrw(self.name_) } else { console.log(self.name_,'succ at',new Date()); rtrn(self.name_) } }, delay ) } return(_f) } tsk.T_.tsk0020.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) tsk.T_.tsk0021.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) tsk.T_.tsk0022.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) tsk.T_.tsk002.executor_ = creat_executor(3000) tsk.T_.tsk001.$sdfs_.forEach(tsk=> { tsk.executor_ = creat_executor(2000) }); tsk.T_.tsk001.executor_ = creat_executor(3000) tsk.T_.tsk000.executor_ = creat_executor(3000) tsk.T_.tsk00.executor_ = creat_executor(4000) tsk.executor_ =(rtrn,thrw,self) => { rtrn(self.$sdfs_.map(nd=>nd.rslt_)) } //// var p = evt.wrap.try_until_succ(tsk) /* tsk000 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:20.933Z tsk000 failed at 2021-12-17T06:27:23.934Z //------------> tsk000 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:23.946Z //AUTO recover at FAILED node [tsk000] tsk000 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:26.952Z tsk0010 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:26.959Z tsk0011 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:26.962Z tsk0012 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:26.966Z tsk0010 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:28.963Z tsk0011 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:28.966Z tsk0012 failed at 2021-12-17T06:27:28.969Z //------------> tsk0012 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:28.971Z //AUTO recover at FAILED node [tsk0012] tsk0012 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:30.976Z tsk001 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:30.977Z tsk001 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:33.984Z tsk0020 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:33.989Z tsk0021 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:33.993Z tsk0022 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:33.995Z tsk0020 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:35.996Z tsk0021 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:35.997Z tsk0022 failed at 2021-12-17T06:27:36.003Z //------------> tsk0022 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:36.006Z //AUTO recover at FAILED node [tsk0022] tsk0022 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:38.010Z tsk002 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:38.011Z tsk002 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:41.015Z tsk00 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:41.016Z tsk00 failed at 2021-12-17T06:27:45.023Z //------------> tsk00 started at 2021-12-17T06:27:45.025Z //AUTO recover at FAILED node [tsk00] tsk00 succ at 2021-12-17T06:27:49.030Z */ /* > p Promise { [ Symbol(noexist), 'tsk00', 'tsk000', 'tsk001', 'tsk0010', 'tsk0011', 'tsk0012', 'tsk002', 'tsk0020', 'tsk0021', 'tsk0022' ], [Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 99, [Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 5, [Symbol(destroyed)]: { destroyed: false } } > */
- see APIS.load_from_json for format-detail
//now we try a big-task-tree of 500000 task-nodes to test the performance
// coz nv-task-event-tree is pure JS,so its performance NOT good enough
//接下来我们准备一个巨大的 任务树 来测试下巨量异步任务的performance
// 因为nv-task-event-tree 是纯JS实现的,所以它的performance一般般
// 主要是内存耗费比较大(为了提速,使用了一些耗费内存的技巧)
const {rand} = require("nv-random-tree")
function creat_executor(delay) {
let _f = (rtrn,thrw,self)=> {
()=> {
//creat 500000 task,each task have max-of-50 child-task
//创建任务树,大小为500000, 每个任务最多50个子任务节点
var big_task_tree = rand(50,500000,undefined,evt.Task,2)
> big_task_tree.$sdfs_.length
(nd,i)=> {
nd.name_ = `tsk${i}`;
let rand_type = (Math.random() >0.5)
if(rand_type) { //随机生成 串行 或 并行 节点
} else {
nd.executor_ = creat_executor(Math.random()*2) //每个任务延时 1-2 毫秒
//you can see ,we have 62789 serial-task, 62454 is_parallel task, 374757 leaf-task
//总计 62789 个串行任务, 62454个并行任务,374757个叶子任务
> big_task_tree.$sdfs_.filter(nd=>nd.$is_leaf()).length
> big_task_tree.$sdfs_.filter(nd=>nd.is_serial() && !nd.$is_leaf()).length
> big_task_tree.$sdfs_.filter(nd=>nd.is_parallel() && !nd.$is_leaf()).length
87698 root 20 0 1005916 413616 33404 S 0.0 20.5 0:11.73 node
> process.memoryUsage()
rss: 423542784,
heapTotal: 381763584,
heapUsed: 358841448, // about 350M memory for 500000 nodes
external: 1066990,
arrayBuffers: 24792
async function tst() {
let start = new Date();
let start_ms = start.getTime()
console.log('begin at :',start);
await big_task_tree.launch();
let end = new Date();
let end_ms = end.getTime()
console.log('end at: ',end);
console.log("costed: ", end_ms-start_ms,'ms')
> big_task_tree.p_
Promise {
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 51,
[Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 5,
[Symbol(destroyed)]: { destroyed: false }
> tst()
begin at : 2021-12-17T10:36:42.526Z
Promise {
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 171,
[Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 5,
[Symbol(destroyed)]: { destroyed: false }
//you can observe the current state with .running_ AND .rejected_at_
//可以使用 .running_ 和 .rejected_at_ 在任务树运行过程中观察
> big_task_tree.running_
Set(2) {
Task [tsk328374 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk328488 : self_executing] {}
> big_task_tree.running_
Set(16) {
Task [tsk330086 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330100 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330102 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330105 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330111 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330120 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330122 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330126 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330134 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330138 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330144 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330149 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330157 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330160 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330161 : self_executing] {},
Task [tsk330166 : self_executing] {}
> end at: 2021-12-17T10:37:07.224Z
costed: 24698 ms
> big_task_tree.p_
Promise {
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 51,
[Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 5,
[Symbol(destroyed)]: { destroyed: false }
> big_task_tree.$sdfs_
Task [tsk0 : resolved] {},
Task [tsk1 : resolved] {},
Task [tsk98 : resolved] {},
Task [tsk99 : resolved] {},
... 499900 more items
//you can get the blue_print back for topology AND reusing
//可以使用.unparse() 来获取blue_print
var blue_print = big_task_tree.unparse()
> bp
'{\n' +
' {\n' +
' (\n' +
' (\n' +
' (\n' +
' (\n' +
' (\n' +
' [tsk7]\n' +
' )-> [tsk6]-> \n' +
' (\n' +
' {\n' +
' (\n' +
' {\n' +
' (\n' +
' [tsk13]-> \n' +
' [tsk14]-> \n' +
' [tsk15]-> \n' +
' [tsk16]-> \n' +
' [tsk17]-> \n' +
' [tsk18]-> \n' +
' [tsk19]\n' +
' )-> [tsk12] -| \n' +
' {\n' +
' [tsk21] -| \n' +
' [tsk22] -| \n' +
' [tsk23] -| \n' +
' }-> [tsk20] -| \n' +
// .unparse() can ONLY get the topology(blue_print) BACK
// .unparse() 只能拿回topology(blue_print)
//if you need full info(conder,executor,props..., task-node-type,) BACK
// USE .dump()
// 如果需要详细的全部现场,使用 .dump()
//dumped JSON could be reload by evt.load_from_json(J)
> var J = big_task_tree.dump()
[Object], [Array], 'tsk495452', [Object], [Array],
'tsk495495', [Object], [Array], 'tsk495525', [Object],
[Array], 'tsk495533', [Object], 'tsk495534', [Object],
[Array], 'tsk495556', [Object], [Array], 'tsk495572',
[Object], [Array], 'tsk495605', [Object], 'tsk495606',
[Object], [Array], 'tsk495615', [Object], [Array],
'tsk495650', [Object], 'tsk495651', [Object], 'tsk495652',
[Object], [Array], 'tsk495672', [Object], [Array],
'tsk495688', [Object], [Array], 'tsk495717', [Object],
[Array], 'tsk495737', [Object], [Array], 'tsk495769',
[Object], [Array], 'tsk495817', [Object], [Array],
'tsk495823', [Object], [Array], 'tsk495839', [Object],
'tsk495840', [Object], [Array], 'tsk495876', [Object],
[Array], 'tsk495916', [Object], [Array], 'tsk495949',
[Object], [Array], 'tsk495983', [Object], 'tsk495984',
... 33 more items
type: '1',
enable_promise: false,
conder: [Function: DFLT_CU_CONDER],
executor: [Function: _f],
args_dict: {}
... 30 more items
<script src="https://github.com/navegador5/nv-task-event-tree/blob/master/RESOURCES/evt.min.js"> </script>
const evt = nvhtml.evt; //==================>
//BROWSER VERSION add two more FEATURE for future using(
// one for CSS ,the other for kvtree
//), so its pkg is BIG
var J = [
'color', {type:'Multi',as:'ary'},[
'other',{type:"Setter",validate:function(clr) {return(["red","grey","purple"].includes(clr))}}
var [rt,forest] = nvhtml.select.load_from_json(J)
var [rt,forest] = nvhtml.parse_from_json({a:100,b:[5,true,3,false]},forest)
max_size means must larger than (2* task-node-count)
1000000 task-nodes will cost about 90M memory
normally 10000 task-nodes is enough for most secarino
BP is a string:
{...} means parallel task, it will start children at the same time,similiar to Promise.all
(...) means serial task, it will start in DFS-sequence, similar to html-traverse sequence
[task-name] task-name MUST be enclosed in []
-> means parent task is serial, is OPTIONAL (coz '(...)' already decided)
-| means parent task is parallel, is OPTIONAL (coz '{...}' already decided)
BP is written in BOTTOM-TO-UP style:
var blue_print = `
[tsk000] -|
)-> [tsk001] -|
}-> [tsk002] -|
}-> [tsk00]
the task execute sequence for each layer will be:
[tsk0021]-| ->[tsk002];
[tsk000] -|
[tsk001] -| -> [tsk00]
[tsk002] -|
the details are:
<Parallel>[tsk00] ^start
<Leaf> [tsk000] ^start executing... -> &[tsk000] ended$ -|
</Leaf> [tsk000]
-> %notify-to(&[tsk00])
<Serial> [tsk001] ^start-first-child -|
[tsk0010] ^start executing... -> [tsk0010] ended$ ->
[tsk0011] ^start executing... -> [tsk0011] ended$ ->
[tsk0012] ^start executing... -> [tsk0012] ended$ ->
</serial> [tsk001]
%recv-from-last-child(&[tsk0012]) ->
[tsk001] ^start executing... ended$
-> %notify-to(&[tsk00])
<Parallel>[tsk002] ^start-children-at-same-time -|
<Leaf> [tsk0020] ^start-at-same-time-with-siblings -|
[tsk0020] ^start executing... -> [tsk0020] ended$
</Leaf> [tsk0020]
-> %notify-to(&[tsk002])
<Leaf> [tsk0021] ^start-at-same-time-with-siblings -|
[tsk0021] ^start executing... -> [tsk0021] ended$
</Leaf> [tsk0021]
-> %notify-to(&[tsk002])
<Leaf> [tsk0022] ^start-at-same-time-with-siblings -|
[tsk0022] ^start executing... -> [tsk0022] ended$
</Leaf> [tsk0022]
-> %notify-to(&[tsk002])
%recv-from-children(&[tsk0020],&[tsk0021],&[tsk0022]) ->
[tsk002] ^start executing... ended$
-> %notify-to(&[tsk00])
%recv-from-children(&[tsk000],&[tsk001],&[tsk002]) ->
[tsk00] ^start executing... ended$
-> %notify-to(@root@)
@root@ will settle promise on It
J: [T?,A?,C?]
T@optional : String, if-skipped, it will be a DFS-index
A@optional : CFG
C@optional : Array<J>
CFG: {
type: 'serial', //'serial' OR 'parallel'
// default is 'serial'
enable_promise: false, // enable_promise on task-node , make the task awaitable
// default only on root-task-node is true
// on nonroot-task-node is false
executor: [Function: DFLT_CU_EXECUTOR], // (rtrn,thrw,self)=>{...}
// rtrn: similiar to return/resolve
// thrw: similiar to throw/reject
conder: [Function: DFLT_CU_CONDER], // (rtrn_tru,rtrn_fls,self) => {}
// supported ctrl-flow keyword
// IF(conder)
// ELIF(conder) ELSE; //ELSE-have-no-params
// WHILE(conder)
args_dict: {} // for init props
// task-event-tree NOT support variable
// use props on task-node instead
//param conder:(rtrn_tru,rtrn_fls,self) => {...}
ELSE, //no parameter
async function try_until_succ(tsk,max_times=Infinity):any
async function limited_auto_recover_loop(tsk,times=1,history_size=10):{history:Array,counter:{c:Number}}
function endless_auto_recover_loop(tsk,history_size=10):{history:Array,counter:{c:Number}}
async function repeat_until_fail(tsk,times=1,history_size=10):{history:Array,counter:{c:Number}}
async function repeat_ignore_fail(tsk,times=1,history_size=10):{history:Array,counter:{c:Number}}
function endless_repeat_loop_until_fail(tsk,history_size=10):{history:Array,counter:{c:Number}}
function endless_repeat_loop_ignore_fail(tsk,history_size=10):{history:Array,counter:{c:Number}}
> evt
debug: [Function: debug],
noexist: Symbol(noexist),
TYPES: { '0': 'serial', '1': 'parallel', serial: '0', parallel: '1' },
load_from_blue_print: [Function: load_from_blue_print],
DFLT_CFG: [Function: DFLT_CFG],
load_from_json: [Function: load_from_json],
IF: [Function: IF],
ELIF: [Function: ELIF],
ELSE: [Function: ELSE] { [Symbol(else)]: true },
WHILE: [Function: WHILE],
wrap: {
try_until_succ: [AsyncFunction: try_until_succ],
limited_auto_recover_loop: [AsyncFunction: limited_auto_recover_loop],
endless_auto_recover_loop: [Function: endless_auto_recover_loop],
repeat_until_fail: [AsyncFunction: repeat_until_fail],
repeat_ignore_fail: [AsyncFunction: repeat_ignore_fail],
endless_repeat_loop_until_fail: [Function: endless_repeat_loop_until_fail],
endless_repeat_loop_ignore_fail: [Function: endless_repeat_loop_ignore_fail]
> evt.DFLT_CFG()
type: 'serial',
enable_promise: false,
conder: [Function: DFLT_CU_CONDER],
executor: [Function: DFLT_CU_EXECUTOR],
args_dict: {}
> evt.DFLT_TAG_PARSER.toString()
tsk.conding_deses_ tsk.fst_bubble_paused_ance_
tsk.fst_bubble_rejected_ance_ tsk.fst_paused_ance_
tsk.fst_rejected_ance_ tsk.fst_self_paused_ance_
tsk.fst_self_rejected_ance_ tsk.has_bubble_paused_ance_
tsk.has_bubble_rejected_ance_ tsk.has_paused_ance_
tsk.has_rejected_ance_ tsk.has_self_paused_ance_
tsk.has_self_rejected_ance_ tsk.is_bubble_paused
tsk.is_bubble_rejected tsk.is_conding
tsk.is_impossible tsk.is_opened
tsk.is_paused tsk.is_pending
tsk.is_ready tsk.is_rejected
tsk.is_resolved tsk.is_self_executing
tsk.is_self_paused tsk.is_self_rejected
tsk.is_settled tsk.is_started
tsk.is_stopped tsk.is_stucked
tsk.self_executing_deses_ tsk.self_rejected_deses_
tsk.cond_ tsk.disable_promise
tsk.enable_promise tsk.exception_
tsk.is_promise_enabled tsk.p_
tsk.rslt_ tsk.settled_
tsk.conder_ tsk.executor_
tsk.if_head_ tsk.is_abandoned
tsk.is_all_if_chain_psib_conder_failed tsk.is_conder_elif
tsk.is_conder_else tsk.is_conder_if
tsk.is_conder_while tsk.undefined
tsk.T_ tsk.carryon
tsk.constructor tsk.continue
tsk.dump tsk.hard_reset
tsk.is_parallel tsk.is_serial
tsk.launch tsk.name_
tsk.pause tsk.recover
tsk.rejected_at_ tsk.running_
tsk.set_as_parallel tsk.set_as_serial
tsk.show tsk.soft_reset
tsk.$add_lsib tsk.$add_lsibs
tsk.$add_or_goto_parent tsk.$add_parent
tsk.$add_parent_and_lsib tsk.$add_rsib
tsk.$add_rsibs tsk.$ance
tsk.$ance_dist tsk.$ances_
tsk.$append_child tsk.$append_children
tsk.$are_sibs tsk.$bfs_
tsk.$bfs_des_index tsk.$bfs_des_leaf_index
tsk.$bfs_des_next tsk.$bfs_des_nonleaf_index
tsk.$bfs_des_prev tsk.$bfs_index_
tsk.$bfs_leaf_index_ tsk.$bfs_next_
tsk.$bfs_nonleaf_index_ tsk.$bfs_prev_
tsk.$block tsk.$blocked_
tsk.$bpl_ tsk.$breadth_
tsk.$child tsk.$children_
tsk.$children_count_ tsk.$clone
tsk.$cmmn_ances tsk.$cond_leaf_sdfs_next
tsk.$cond_leaf_sedfs_next tsk.$connto
tsk.$deep_lseq tsk.$deep_steq
tsk.$depth_ tsk.$des_bfs_
tsk.$des_bpl tsk.$des_breadth
tsk.$des_lyr tsk.$des_lyr_next
tsk.$des_lyr_prev tsk.$des_lyrs_
tsk.$des_offset tsk.$des_own_lyr
tsk.$des_pbreadth tsk.$des_plyr
tsk.$des_spl tsk.$disconn
tsk.$dist tsk.$dlmost_
tsk.$drmost_ tsk.$dump
tsk.$edfs_ tsk.$edfs_des_index
tsk.$edfs_des_leaf_index tsk.$edfs_des_nonleaf_index
tsk.$edfs_index_ tsk.$edfs_leaf_index_
tsk.$edfs_next_ tsk.$edfs_nonleaf_index_
tsk.$edfs_prev_ tsk.$erase
tsk.$erase_r tsk.$fid_
tsk.$forest_ tsk.$fsib
tsk.$fsibs_ tsk.$fsibs_count_
tsk.$fst_cmmn_ance tsk.$fstch_
tsk.$fstpsib_ tsk.$fstsib_
tsk.$gen_ance tsk.$gen_bfs
tsk.$gen_child_from_fst tsk.$gen_child_from_lst
tsk.$gen_cond_leaf_sdfs_next tsk.$gen_cond_leaf_sedfs_next
tsk.$gen_des_bfs tsk.$gen_des_lyr
tsk.$gen_des_lyr_next tsk.$gen_des_lyr_prev
tsk.$gen_edfs_next tsk.$gen_edfs_next_leaf
tsk.$gen_edfs_next_nonleaf tsk.$gen_edfs_prev
tsk.$gen_edfs_prev_leaf tsk.$gen_edfs_prev_nonleaf
tsk.$gen_fsib tsk.$gen_lmost
tsk.$gen_lyr tsk.$gen_lyr_next
tsk.$gen_lyr_prev tsk.$gen_psib
tsk.$gen_rmost tsk.$gen_sdfs_next
tsk.$gen_sdfs_next_build_action tsk.$gen_sdfs_next_ignore_blocked
tsk.$gen_sdfs_next_leaf tsk.$gen_sdfs_next_nonleaf
tsk.$gen_sdfs_next_srch_action tsk.$gen_sdfs_prev
tsk.$gen_sdfs_prev_build_action tsk.$gen_sdfs_prev_leaf
tsk.$gen_sdfs_prev_nonleaf tsk.$gen_sdfs_prev_srch_action
tsk.$gen_sedfs_next tsk.$gen_sedfs_next_after_close
tsk.$gen_sedfs_next_after_open tsk.$gen_sedfs_next_ignore_blocked
tsk.$gen_sedfs_prev tsk.$gen_sedfs_prev_before_close
tsk.$gen_sedfs_prev_before_open tsk.$gen_sib_from_fst
tsk.$gen_sib_from_lst tsk.$gen_visit
tsk.$get_leaf_sibs tsk.$get_nonleaf_sibs
tsk.$get_with_spl tsk.$has_leaf_sib
tsk.$has_nonleaf_sib tsk.$height_
tsk.$id_ tsk.$insert_child_after
tsk.$insert_child_before tsk.$insert_children_after
tsk.$insert_children_before tsk.$is_ance_blocked
tsk.$is_ance_of tsk.$is_blocked
tsk.$is_child_of tsk.$is_des_lyr_bst
tsk.$is_des_lyr_fst tsk.$is_des_lyr_lst
tsk.$is_des_of tsk.$is_empty
tsk.$is_fsib_of tsk.$is_fstch
tsk.$is_fstch_of tsk.$is_inclusive_ance_of
tsk.$is_inclusive_des_of tsk.$is_inclusive_sib_of
tsk.$is_isolated tsk.$is_leaf
tsk.$is_lonely tsk.$is_lsib_of
tsk.$is_lstch tsk.$is_lstch_of
tsk.$is_lyr_bst tsk.$is_lyr_fst
tsk.$is_lyr_lst tsk.$is_midch
tsk.$is_nonleaf tsk.$is_parent_of
tsk.$is_psib_of tsk.$is_root
tsk.$is_root_of tsk.$is_rsib_of
tsk.$is_self_blocked tsk.$is_sib_of
tsk.$lcin_ tsk.$length_
tsk.$lsib_ tsk.$lsib_of_fst_ance_having_lsib_
tsk.$lst_des_lyr_ tsk.$lst_lyr_
tsk.$lstch_ tsk.$lstfsib_
tsk.$lstsib_ tsk.$luncle_
tsk.$lyr tsk.$lyr_next_
tsk.$lyr_prev_ tsk.$lyrs_
tsk.$more_less tsk.$new
tsk.$nonleaf_length_ tsk.$noop
tsk.$offset_ tsk.$own_lyr_
tsk.$parent_ tsk.$path_to
tsk.$pbreadth_ tsk.$plance
tsk.$plances_ tsk.$plyr_
tsk.$prepend_child tsk.$prepend_children
tsk.$psib tsk.$psibs_
tsk.$psibs_count_ tsk.$rcin_
tsk.$replace_child_node_at tsk.$replace_child_tree_at
tsk.$replace_node tsk.$replace_tree
tsk.$reverse tsk.$reverse_children
tsk.$reverse_children_tree tsk.$reverse_tree
tsk.$rm_child tsk.$rm_children
tsk.$rm_fstch tsk.$rm_lstch
tsk.$rm_some_children tsk.$root_
tsk.$rsib_ tsk.$rsib_of_fst_ance_having_rsib_
tsk.$runcle_ tsk.$sdfs_
tsk.$sdfs_des_index tsk.$sdfs_des_leaf_index
tsk.$sdfs_des_nonleaf_index tsk.$sdfs_ignore_blocked_
tsk.$sdfs_index_ tsk.$sdfs_leaf_index_
tsk.$sdfs_leafs_ tsk.$sdfs_next_
tsk.$sdfs_next_build_action tsk.$sdfs_next_build_action_list_
tsk.$sdfs_next_ignore_blocked_ tsk.$sdfs_next_srch_action
tsk.$sdfs_next_srch_action_list_ tsk.$sdfs_nonleaf_index_
tsk.$sdfs_nonleafs_ tsk.$sdfs_prev_
tsk.$sdfs_prev_build_action tsk.$sdfs_prev_build_action_list_
tsk.$sdfs_prev_srch_action tsk.$sdfs_prev_srch_action_list_
tsk.$sedfs_ tsk.$sedfs_ignore_blocked_
tsk.$sedfs_next tsk.$sedfs_next_after_close_
tsk.$sedfs_next_after_open_ tsk.$sedfs_next_ignore_blocked_when_close_
tsk.$sedfs_next_ignore_blocked_when_open_ tsk.$sedfs_prev
tsk.$sedfs_prev_before_close_ tsk.$sedfs_prev_before_open_
tsk.$self_ tsk.$sib
tsk.$sib_dist tsk.$sibs_
tsk.$sibs_count_ tsk.$sibseq_
tsk.$some_ances tsk.$some_children
tsk.$some_des_lyrs tsk.$some_fsibs
tsk.$some_lyrs tsk.$some_plances
tsk.$some_psibs tsk.$some_sibs
tsk.$spl_ tsk.$swap_node
tsk.$swap_self_children_with_idx_range tsk.$swap_self_children_with_nd_range
tsk.$swap_tree tsk.$to_nest
tsk.$unblock tsk.$visit