This repository contains parts of the code used to produce the action recognition results for my GCPR 2018 paper, which can be found here.
The file net_features.pkl
contains the parameters (conv layers) of my pre-trained CaffeNet for comparison purposes. It can be used via the file
which is independent from the other parts of the framework. The input tensors of this model should be globally normalized to have zero mean and unit variance.
The requirements can be found in requirements.txt and can be installed via pip install -r requirements.txt
. This implementation is optimized for high GPU utilization and thus preloads the entire UCF-101 dataset into RAM. At least 64GB of RAM are required.
The framework for data loading can be found in the class UCF101_i
in compvis/datasets/
this class can be modified to fit your own needs as long as it implements all the methods required in the parent class Base_Info_Video
If unmodified, the following directory structure for the dataset is expected, path_ucf
can be set in config.yml
│ dict_names.pkl
│ dict_norms.pkl
│ dict_mags.pkl (optional)
│ └───ucf101_0
│ └───ucf101_1
│ ...
│ └───ucf101_13319
│ └───x
│ │ └───ucf101_0
│ │ └───ucf101_1
│ │ ...
│ │
│ └───y
│ └───ucf101_0
│ └───ucf101_1
│ ...
│ trainlist01.txt
│ trainlist02.txt
The subfolders ucf101_0, ucf101_1, ..., ucf101_13319
contain the rgb and flow frames of the respective videos in the dataset stored as jpg images, the optical flow files only contain a single color channel. The jpg files are named and numbered in the following manner:
│ frame00001.jpg
│ frame00002.jpg
The file dict_names.pkl
is a serialized dictionary which translates the video names to folder numberings, some exemplary key: val
pairs look like this: 'v_ThrowDiscus_g18_c01.avi': 'ucf101_999'
and this 'v_Mixing_g16_c04.avi': 'ucf101_984'
. The correct identification of the video names is necessary in order to split the data according to the train/test splits in the folder ucfTrainTestlist
. It is also necessary for obtaining the labels for fine-tuning. The folder ucfTrainTestlist
can be downloaded and extracted from the main website of UCF-101 .
The file dict_norms.pkl
is a serialized dictionary containing the normalization factors for all optical flow frames. The keys of the dictionary are given by ucf101_0, ucf101_1, ..., ucf101_13319
and the value for each key is a 1D numpy array with its length being equal to the number of frames in the video. Each element in such an array contains the normalization factor for the repsective frame in the video. This dictionary is necessary in order to retreive the original normalization of the optical flow during training as the optical flow frames are usually normalized before being stored onto the hard drive.
Lastly the optional file dict_mags.pkl
is a serialized dictionary containing very similar to dict_norms.pkl
but containing the average magnitude of each flow frame (note that the magnitude is not just the logarithm of the normalization factor). The keys of the dictionary are given by ucf101_0, ucf101_1, ..., ucf101_13319
and the value for each key is a 1D numpy array with its length being equal to the number of frames in the video. If this file is not present it will be automatically generated and saved, which however can take several hours (but only once).
Experiments are run by the main file. There are two pre-training methods available, ours Pretraining_Cross_and_Learn
and the comparison baseline Pretraining_Concat
, which learns via a binary classification problem. Similarly there are two fine-tuning experiments, Finetuning_AR_RGB
in order to finetune the RGB network of the model onto UCF-101 and Finetuning_AR_OF
for the optical flow network respectively.
The results of the experiments are stored in path_results
which can be set in config.yml