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Simple pub/sub


npm install @nayar/fastps


You can subscribe to a path (with dots as separators) and will receive messages published to that path.

const fastps = require("@nayar/fastps");

const ps = new fastps.PubSub();

  "a.b": msg => {
    console.log("received:", msg);

ps.publish({ to: "a.b", dat: 123 });

A subscriber to a path (e.g. "a") will also receive messages published to paths that have it as a prefix (e.g. "a.b" or "a.c.d")

const fastps = require("@nayar/fastps");

const ps = new fastps.PubSub();

  a: msg => {
    console.log("received in parent path:", msg);

ps.publish({ to: "a.b", dat: 123 });
ps.publish({ to: "a.c.d", dat: 456 });

Subscriber object

Calls to subscribe return a subscriber object on which you can call the following methods:

  • subscribe(cfg): add subscription to subscriber (receives same param as PubSub.subscribe).
  • unsubscribe(path1, path2...): Unsubscribes from those paths.
  • unsubscribeAll(): Removes all subscriptions from subscriber.

This code:

const fastps = require("@nayar/fastps");

const ps = new fastps.PubSub();

const sub = ps.subscribe({
  a: msg => {
    console.log("a: msg=", msg);
  b: msg => {
    console.log("b: msg=", msg);


  c: msg => {
    console.log("c: msg=", msg);

ps.publish({ to: "a", dat: 1 });
ps.publish({ to: "b", dat: 2 });
ps.publish({ to: "c", dat: 2 });

will print:

a: msg= { to: 'a', dat: 1 }
c: msg= { to: 'c', dat: 2 }

Message fields

A message can contain the following fields:

  • to (required): path to publish to.
  • dat (required): message payload.
  • persist (optional): message will be stored when published and later subscribers to its path will receive it.
  • noPropagate (required): subscribers to ancestor paths will not receive this message.
  • res (optional): path where you will receive the answer for this message.
  • err (optional): field with error that is sent using answer.


Messages with field persist == true will be delivered to subscribers that susbcribe after it has been published.

const fastps = require("@nayar/fastps");

const ps = new fastps.PubSub();

ps.publish({ to: "a", dat: "Hi!", persist: true });

  a: msg => {
    console.log("received:", msg);

When several messages are published to a path with persist == true subscribers will receive the most recent one when subscribing.

const fastps = require("@nayar/fastps");

const ps = new fastps.PubSub();

ps.publish({ to: "a", dat: "Hi!", persist: true });
ps.publish({ to: "a", dat: "Hello there!", persist: true });

  a: msg => {
    console.log(msg.dat); // Will print "Hello there!"


If you send a message with noPropagate == true it will not be received by subscribers of parent paths

const fastps = require("@nayar/fastps");

const ps = new fastps.PubSub();

  a: msg => {
    console.log("this line won't be executed");

ps.publish({ to: "a.b", dat: 123, noPropagate: true });
ps.publish({ to: "a.b.c", dat: 123, noPropagate: true });


You can put a path on the message field res so answers to it will be received on that path.

To answer a message just call PubSub.answer(msg, data, error)

const fastps = require("@nayar/fastps");

const ps = new fastps.PubSub();

  a: msg => {
    ps.answer(msg, "Hello there!");
  b: msg => {
    console.log("received answer:", msg.dat);

ps.publish({ to: "a", dat: "Hi!", res: "b" });

You can also send an error when answering a message.

const fastps = require("@nayar/fastps");

const ps = new fastps.PubSub();

  a: msg => {
    ps.answer(msg, null, "Oops, something failed :(");
  b: msg => {
    console.log("received error:", msg.err);

ps.publish({ to: "a", dat: "Hi!", res: "b" });

You can wait for answer using call method

const ps = new fastps.PubSub();

    add1: msg => {
      ps.answer(msg, msg.dat + 1);

  const resp = await"add1", 1);
  // resp = 2