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What is this

This is a short python script that allows for extraction of "compiled" AutoIt scripts from PE executables.


This script is heavily based on 3 resources, definitely check them out if you want to dig a bit deeper into AutoIt stuff:

Supported AutoIt versions


  • EA05 AutoIt3.00
  • EA06 AutoIt3.26


  • JB01 AutoHotKey
  • JB01 AutoIT2


python3 -m pip install autoit-ripper

or, if you'd like to install the version from sources:

git clone
cd AutoIt-Ripper
pip install .


From a python script:

from autoit_ripper import extract, AutoItVersion

with open("sample.exe", "rb") as f:
    file_content =

# EA05 for v3.00+, EA06 for v3.26+
# Omitting `version` or passing None will try both versions
content_list = extract(data=file_content, version=AutoItVersion.EA06)

From the commandline:

autoit-ripper sample.exe out_directory

Help message:

autoit-ripper --help
usage: autoit-ripper [-h] [--verbose] [--ea {EA05,EA06,guess}] file output_dir

positional arguments:
  file                  input binary
  output_dir            output directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -v
  --ea {EA05,EA06,guess}
                        extract a specific version of AutoIt script (default: guess)

Format documentation

(In progress)

AU3 header

Field Length encryption (EA05) encryption (EA06) Notes
"FILE" 4 MT(0x16FA) LAME(0x18EE) static string
flag 4 xor(0x29BC) xor(0xADBC)
auto_str flag (* 2) MT(0xA25E + flag) LAME(0xB33F + flag) UTF-8/UTF-16
path_len 4 xor(0x29AC) xor(0xF820)
path path_len (* 2) MT(0xF25E + path_len) LAME(0xF479 + path_len) Path of the compiled script
compressed 1 None None is the script compressed
data_size 4 xor(0x45AA) xor(0x87BC) compressed data size
code_size 4 xor(0x45AA) xor(0x87BC) uncompressed data size
crc 4 xor(0xC3D2) xor(0xA685) compressed data crc checksum
creation date 4 None None file creation date (high)
creation date 4 None None file creation date (low)
last update date 4 None None last edit date (high)
last update date 4 None None last edit date (low)
data data_size MT(checksum + 0x22af) LAME(0x2477) script data

Differences between v3.00 and v3.26+

v3.00 v3.26
Code storage greped by magic "SCRIPT" resource (/greped by magic?)
String encoding UTF-8 UTF-16
Encryption xor/custom MT19937 xor/LAME crypt
Code encryption key dynamic static
Compression yes yes
Code "compilation" no yes
Magic EA05 EA06