iOS-UserPreferences provides convenience methods to get and set user preferences including primitive types.
If you're using CocoaPods, then simply insert pod 'iOS-UserPreferences'
in your application's Podfile
Otherwise, copy iOS-UserPreferences.h
and iOS-UserPreferences.m
into your project.
Get and set user preferences:
BOOL soundOn = [UserPreferences getBoolWithKey:@"soundOn" withDefault:YES];
[UserPreferences setInt:11 withKey:@"volume"];
Check to see if a key is defined and if not return true and define it, otherwise return false. Useful when you only want to run a block of code once.
if ([UserPreferences isKeyUndefinedThenDefine:@"firstTime"]) {
// show intro
Norman Basham - @nbasham
iOS-UserPreferences is made available under the Apache 2.0 License. A full copy of the license is available in the LICENSE file.