AnsibleDB is Flask API Web server uses MongoDB as Database to store Ansible reports and ansible facts, this tool can be used to query hosts and facters managed Ansible as well search ansible logs.
- Store Ansible reports, users will be able to query Ansible logs and visualize tasks logs
- Ansible Reports will be available in Users Dashboard in stacked bar charts, bars charts are the stats of : Number of OK, Changed, Failures, Unreachable, Skipped, Rescued and Ignored for each Ansible run.
- Store Ansible facters, users will be able to build dynamic inventory for facters collected and custom facters as well.
- Users will be able to Query facters in the Web interface, command line using token or Swagger UI.
- Users can customize The inventory in settings, create personal token to query the API using curl commands or Swagger UI.
AnsibleDB is composed of 3 layers :
- playbook which gather facters and execute tasks, callback plugin send the facts and reports to the API server.
- AnsibleDB API which interacts with users, is a docker container.
- MongoDB which is the Database of the API server.
- Install docker-compose
- copy docker-compose from the project
- Run: docker-compose up -d.
- Add the ansibledb callback plugin under callback_plugin, reference :
- Enable callback plugin in ansible.cfg, reference :
- Run playbook, as an example
in Docker-compose file, you can enable AD authentication by adding the variables below
LDAP_SERVER: "ldaps://ldap_server:636", LDAP server
LDAP_BASE_DN: "DC=company,DC=com", Base DN
LDAP_FID_USERNAME: "CN=fid_ad_account,OU=Users,OU=OU Units,DC=company,DC=com", Active Directory account, will be used to map AD users.
LDAP_FID_PASSWORD: "password", password of Active Directory account.
LDAP_REQUIRED_GROUP: "CN=AD_GROUP,OU=Groups,OU=OU Units,DC=company,DC=com", This variable is used to restrict access to AnsibleDB to only users member of AD group, this is optional, if not provided, all Authenticated users will be able to login to AnsibleDB.
in print screen below, we can see the hosts and ansible stats
- Ansible logs:
when running ansible with option --diff, the diff changes will be available in the output of ansible run command, as well those diffs will be sent to ansibledb, the changes will be added to the graph and saved to database, user will be able to display the diff changes.
- Inventory: as we run Ansible against source inventory, dynamic inventory will be available and can be customized with facters collected.
facters collected: users will be able to see facters collected for each host:
query facters: Users will be able to search facters, those facters can be ansible collected facters, custom facters, packages cached.
below, an example where we search for the package openssl on the nodes:
below, an example where we search for kernel, the result provide a chart about this facter, the chart will count the number per result.
- settings:
users , will be able to :
- Add or remove columns from the inventory, columns are facters available in the database.
- for admin only, the number of days to keep logs, older logs will be rotated automatically. Also users can set the number of days to display in dashboard, for example 1, user will see by default last 24H logs in dashboard.
- generate and save token, where they can use it to interact with API using curl command or Swagger UI.
- Swagger UI
Add token, using authorize button, then query AnsibleDB, example below query kernel facter