Data Pipeline for NC Campaign Finance Dashboard
Docker folder contains a simplified environment to run the backend environment and experiments
Python scripts based on Mikhail Yuryevich Bilenko's Ph.D. dissertation: Learnable Similarity Functions and their Application to Record Linkage and Clustering.
The Python scripts are Jupyter Notebooks, but should be easily converted to an inloine python script.
- Data -
- active_committee_list
- committee_doc_list
- committee_list
- raw_files
* 01 - Preprocess - imports the raw files, sets up the Postgres tables and preps the data for dedupe
* 02 - Dedupe - this is a actual part that goes over the entire universe of donors and payees and determines if they are the same despite speeling and missing information
* 03 - Post Dedupe - this creates the views, copies the canonical ids to the transactions and parses out the various sources of committee information to determine party, candidate and active years
* 04 - Import Election History - Imports the various election return files by candidate/race/precinct and count of vote type according to the data produced by the NCSBE since 2000