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Demtools Frequently Asked Questions

Noble Ackerson edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

What is a DemTool?

For political organizations and CSOs with low technical and funding capacity, DemTools solve political needs--as identified by the donor community--through well-documented, low cost, open source solutions that have an identified demand are easily replicable, usable and scalable.

What products are in the DemTool portfolio?

Civi, Apollo are both DemTools because they are mature products that address a clear need, have demand, are functional, usable, extensible, and secure, what’s more, they require a nominal cost to maintain, support and to scale.

Products in the incubation stage are otherwise referred to as pilots or DemLabs projects.

What is DemCloud?

A hosted platform for DemTools.

How secure are DemTools?

NDI uses industry standard best practices to secure your websites and data, starting with secure hosting on Amazon Web Services and protection by CloudFlare’s content distribution network. NDI systems administrators have access to your site as a necessary part of their job of updating and protecting servers, but their actions are logged and monitored.

What are the backup and recovery procedures for DemTools?

NDI backs up DemTools servers daily for disaster recovery purposes. Individual site backups or restoring data lost through user error is possible but will incur additional fees. Users are encouraged to use their own additional backup systems as NDI, despite best efforts, cannot be responsible for the integrity of your data.

What happens to data in DemCloud servers?

Your information belongs to you, and you are welcome to export it out of DemTools at any time. NDI will never directly access or manipulate your information without your explicit permission, and will never share with outside partners unless legally compelled to do so. Anonymized aggregate data, stripped of any personally identifiable information, is used for monitoring, evaluation and platform improvement purposes.

How much does DemCloud hosting cost?

After an NDI-supported program ends, partners already on the DemCloud are invited to continue using the platform’s basic hosting capabilities for free, though additional service and support after the end of the program will incur additional expenses per standard cost schedules. DemTools users not introduced through a formal NDI program will be expected to pay standard rates.

Can non-DemCloud servers be used?

Everyone is welcome to download DemTools and run them on a hosting service of their choice. Code is available from our repositories or those of our open-source partners - for more information, check out our Github repo. NDI will consider assisting in initial setup or management of DemTools on non-NDI servers at additional cost.