A contact form that takes submissions and emails it to a desired email address. If you notice any issues submit a request.
- 1.2 - You can now store the form entries in a .log file for archivability.
- 1.3 - Added Captcha Form (captcha-form.html)
- Navigate to sendmail/sendmail.php
- Change Line 44 ($to = "youremail@gmail.com";) to your email address.
- That's it! You're good to go!
- The Log File will be created automatically
- if you want to use the contact form with a captcha. Delete index.html. Then rename captcha-form.html to index.html
- sends to desired email address
- validates email address field
- modern and minimal design
- lightweight
- available captcha
- logs all entries for archivability
This software is under an MIT License. Which allows full use to edit, distribute, or sell this code. See the "LICENSE" file for more information!