is a Scala-3 only experimental library that allows to automatically derive instances of the smithy4s abstractions from scala constructs.
If smithy4s
is a tool that promotes a spec-first approach to API design, providing a code-generator that feeds of smithy specifications, the runtime interpreters it provides are written against a set of abstractions that are not inherently tied to code-generators.
provides a code-first alternative way to code-generation to interact with these interpreters, by using handcrafted data-types and interfaces written directly in Scala as the source of truth, thus giving access to a large number of features provided by Smithy4s, with a lower barrier of entry. In particular, this enables usage in scala-cli projects.
This project takes some inspiration from :
- Jamie Thompson's
- Jakub Kozlowski's
Scala 3.4.1 or newer is required.
libraryDependencies += "tech.neander" %% "smithy4s-deriving" % <version>
addCompilerPlugin("tech.neander" %% "smithy4s-deriving-compiler" % <version>)
scala-cli :
//> using dep "tech.neander::smithy4s-deriving:<version>"
//> using plugin "tech.neander::smithy4s-deriving-compiler:<version>"
You'll typically need the following imports to use the derivation :
import smithy4s.*
import smithy4s.deriving.{given, *}
import smithy4s.deriving.aliases.* // for syntactically pleasant annotations
import scala.annotation.experimental // the derivation of API uses experimental metaprogramming features, at this time.
import smithy.api.* // if you want to use hints from the official smithy standard library
import alloy.* // if you want to use hints from the alloy library
The smithy4s-deriving
library is provided for Scala JVM, Scala JS (1.16+) and Scala Native (0.4.x), and is currently compatible with smithy4s 0.18.16+.
head other to the examples directory to get a feel for how to use it.
allows for deriving schemas from case classes.
import smithy4s.*
import smithy4s.deriving.{given, *}
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String) derives Schema
This allows to access a bunch of serialisation utilities and other schema-driven features from smithy4s.
It is possible to customise the behaviour of serialisers in a similar way that you'd have in spec-first smithy4s, by annotating data-types / fields with the @hints
annotation, and passing it instances of datatypes that were generated from smithy-traits by smithy4s. For instance :
package example
import smithy.api.*
case class Person(@hints(JsonName("first-name")) firstName: String = "John", @hints(JsonName("last-name")) lastName = "Doe") derives Schema
is semantically equivalent to :
namespace example
structure Person {
firstName: String = "John"
lastName: String = "Doe"
- All case class fields must have implicit (given) schemas available
- Defaults are supported
- Scaladoc is converted to
allows for deriving schemas from ADTs.
import smithy4s.*
import smithy4s.deriving.{given, *}
enum Foo derives Schema {
case Bar(x: Int, y: Boolean)
case Baz(z: String)
It is possible to :
- use the
annotation on ADTs and their members. - use the
annotation on ADT members to distinguish whether hints should go to the member or the target shape at the smithy level. - use the
on single-field case classes in order to prevent a layer of "structure" schema from being created.
For instance :
package example
import smithy4s.*
import smithy4s.deriving.{given, *}
import smithy.api.*
enum Foo derives Schema {
@hints(Documentation("Some docs"))
@hints.member(JsonName("bar")) // note the different annotation to target the smithy member
case Bar(x: Int, y: Boolean)
@wrapper // note the wrapper annotation here
case Baz(z: String)
Is equivalent to the combination of these smithy specs :
namespace example
union Foo {
Bar: Bar
Baz: String
///Some docs
structure Bar {
x: Integer
y: String
import smithy4s.*
import smithy4s.deriving.{given, *}
import scala.annotation.experimental
trait HelloWorldService derives API {
def hello(name: String, location: Option[String]) : IO[String]
This allows to access whatever interpreters are provided by smithy4s or its downstream libraries. These interpreters are how smithy4s integrates with various libraries and protocols.
- It is possible to use hints on interfaces to customise interpreter behaviour.
- It is also possible to use the
annotation to tie error handling to either services
For instance:
package example
import smithy4s.*
import smithy4s.deriving.{given, *}
import smithy.api.*
import alloy.*
import scala.annotation.experimental
case class Bounce(message: String) extends Throwable derives Schema
case class Crash(cause: String) extends Throwable derives Schema
trait HelloWorldService derives API {
@errors[(BadLocation, Crash)]
@hints(Http("GET", "/hello/{name}", 200))
def hello(
@hints(HttpLabel()) name: String,
@hints(HttpQuery("from")) location: Option[String]
) : IO[String]
Is semantically equivalent to the combination of these smithy specs :
$version: "2"
namespace example
use alloy#simpleRestJson
use example.helloWorldService#hello
service Foo {
operations: [hello]
structure Bounce {
message: String
structure Crash {
cause: String
$version: "2"
namespace example.helloWorldService
use example#Bounce
use example#Crash
@http(method: GET, uri: "/hello/{name}", code: 200)
operation hello {
input := {
name: String
location: String
output := {
value: String
errors: [Bounce, Crash]
- All parameters of methods and all output types (within the effect) must have implicit (given) schemas available.
- Defaults are supported
- Scaladoc is converted to
To reduce the verbosity induced by the hints
annotation, it is possible to define custom annotations that create the responsibility of
creating hints, as such :
import smithy4s.Hints
import smithy4s.deriving.HintsProvider
case class httpGet(uri: String, status: Int) extends HintsProvider {
def hints = Hints(Http(NonEmptyString("GET"), NonEmptyString(uri), status))
A few of these more-concise annotations are provided out-of-the-box in the smithy4s.deriving.aliases
As you may have noted, instead of deriving smithy4s.Service
, we're deriving smithy4s.deriving.API
instead. That is because the Service
abstraction expects a polymorphic type, whereas our interface is monomorphic. Therefore, the API
construct allows to turn instances of our interface into a "virtual" interface that does abide by the kind that smithy4s.Service
expects. Because of this slight mismatch, the user is expected to perform a call to the .liftService
extension on the instance of the interface when wiring it into interpreters that are coming from smithy4s, such as :
.routes(new HelloWorldService().liftService[IO])
The derivation works for monomorphic interfaces (and concrete classes) that carry methods that are homogenous in effect type. This means that the derivation will fail for an interface like this.
trait Foo {
def bar() : IO[Boolean]
def baz() : Int
It will however work for direct-style interfaces, such as :
trait Foo {
def bar() : Boolean
def baz() : Int
or for any other mono-functor effect (IO
, Future
, type aliases to type Result[A] = Either[String, A]
, etc).
It is possible to apply generic transformations to an implementation of a service :
class Foo() derives API {
def bar(x: Int) : IO[Int] = IO(x)
val addDelay = new PolyFunction[IO, IO]{
def apply[A](io: IO[A]) : IO[A] = IO.sleep(1.second) *> io
new Foo().transform(addDelay)
A lot more is possible to achieve, but I don't have time to write much docs.
smithy4s-deriving, combined with the export
keyword introduced by Scala 3, makes it reasonably easy to implement mocks/stubs for interfaces that have many methods :
trait Foo() derives API {
def foo(x: Int): Try[Int]
def bar(x: Int): Try[Int]
// creates a stub that will implement all methods by returning `Failure(Boom)`
val stub = API[Foo].default[Try](Failure(Boom))
val instance = new Foo {
export stub.{foo => _, *}
override def foo(x: Int): Try[Int] = Success(x + 2)
The smithy4s-deriving-compiler
permits the validation of API/Schema usage within the compilation cycle. At the time of writing this, the plugin works by looking up derived API
instances and crawling through the schemas from there, which implies that standalone Schema
instances that are not (transitively) tied to API
instances are not validated at compile time.
It is possible to automatically recreate a smithy model from the derived abstractions, and to run the smithy validators. One could use this in a unit test, for instance, to verify the correctness of their services according to the rules of smithy.
See an example of how to do that here.
- Default parameters are captured in schemas of case classes, but not for methods, unless the
compiler option is set. API
derivation is using experimental features from the Scala meta-programming tooling, which implies an invasive (but justified) requirement to annotate stuff with@experimental
- The smithy to openapi conversion feature provided by smithy4s happens at build-time, via the build plugins. This unfortunately implies that users wanting to use smithy4s-deriving will not benefit from the simpler one-liner allowing to serve swagger-ui.