Micro-service to save/load fiddles for NEAR Studio.
This micro-service depends on the following environment variables:
-- defaulthttps://app.near.ai
-- defaulthttps://studio.nearprotocol.com/contract-api
-- defaulthttps://studio.nearprotocol.com/devnet
-- defaulthttps://wallet.nearprotocol.com
The above variables define the URLs used by the web apps from withing the browser so they should always correspond to public IP or DNS name.
-- defaultproduction
-- default3000
- Install latest Node.js LTS release.
- Install postgres
brew install postgres
brew services start postgresql
createuser fiddle -W # It'll ask for password, enter "fiddle"
createdb -O fiddle fiddle
createdb -O fiddle fiddle_test
npm install
node app.js