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Nebula Project Plugin

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Provides healthy defaults for a Gradle project. Currently adds:

  • Builds Javadoc and Sources jars
  • Record information about the build and stores it in the .jar, via gradle-info-plugin
  • Easy specification of people involved in a project via gradle-contacts-plugin
  • Doesn't fail javadoc if there are none found

nebula-project plugin introduces Nebula Dependency Lock Plugin out of the box.

If you prefer to use Gradle's Locking dependency versions mechanism, you can use nebula.dependencyLockPluginEnabled project property to disable Nebula's plugin.

Plugin Ids

Starting on v10.0.1, new plugin ids are required:

  • nebula.project ->
  • nebula.integtest ->
  • nebula.facet ->
  • nebula.integtest-standalone ->

Compatibilty notes

This plugin uses APIs that are not available on Gradle < 5.0.

From v7.0.0, nebula-project-plugin supports only Gradle 5.0+

From v10.0.1, nebula-project-plugin supports only Gradle 7.4+

Nebula Facet Plugin

A routine pattern is wanting a new SourceSet with an accompanying Configuration for dependencies. We consider this another facet of your project and can be modeled via the Nebula Facet plugin. This plugin will create a SourceSet with the name provided, which extends the main SourceSet, and consequently it'll create configurations for compile and runtime, which extends from the parent SourceSet. Their "classes" task will be wired up to the build task.

apply plugin: ''
facets {

The previous definition would make examples and performance SourceSets, so that code can go in src/examples/java and src/performance/java. It'll get four configurations: examplesCompile, examplesRuntime, performanceCompile, performanceRuntime. Those configurations will extend compile and runtime respectively. Each one can be configured to inherit from another SourceSet, e.g.

facets {
    functional {
        parentSourceSet = 'test'

That will cause the functionalCompile to extend from testCompile, and functionalRuntime to extend from testRuntime, since those are the configurations from the "test" SourceSet.

Test Facets

If "Test" is in the facet name then a Test task will be created (though it will still inherit from the "main" SourceSet--use the above configuration to make the test facet extends from the test SourceSet). For example:

facets {

This will create a test task called integTest in addition to the integTest SourceSet. The parent SourceSet can still be overriden like above, and the task name can be set:

facets {
    integTest {
        parentSourceSet = 'main'
        testTaskName = 'integrationTest'

Test facets may opt out of a dependency on the 'check' task by using includeInCheckLifecycle:

facets {
    integTest {
        parentSourceSet = 'main'
        testTaskName = 'integrationTest'
        includeInCheckLifecycle = false

Nebula IntegTest Plugin

A corrolary from the Facet Plugin is a concrete Facet, this plugin provides one specifically for Integration Tests. By applying this plugin, you'll get an integrationTest Test task, where sources go in src/integTest/java and dependencies can go into integTestImplementation and integTestRuntimeOnly (which extend from the test SourceSet), with the 'check' task depending on the task. To apply the plugin:

apply plugin: ''

Alternatively, the task can be a standalone task that isn't depended on by check by applying:

apply plugin: ''