WWW::Wunderground::API - Interface to Weather Underground API (DISCONTINUED)
Version 0.08
DEPRECATED - The Weather Underground API has been decommissioned. As such, this module has no practical value
Provides an interface to the(defunct) Weather Underground API. Conditions, forecast, almanac, satellite and radar maps, etc.
Connect to the Weather Underground JSON/XML webservice and parse the response data into something usable.
The entire response is available in Hash::AsObject form, so any data that comes from the server is accessible. Print a dump of "data()" to see all of the tasty data bits available.
use WWW::Wunderground::API;
# location
my $wun = WWW::Wunderground::API->new('Fairfax, VA');
# or zipcode
my $wun = WWW::Wunderground::API->new('22030');
# or airport identifier
my $wun = WWW::Wunderground::API->new('KIAD');
# exercise several options
my $wun = WWW::Wunderground::API->new(
location => '22152',
api_key => 'my wunderground api key',
auto_api => 1,
lang => 'FR',
cache => Cache::FileCache->new({ namespace=>'wundercache', default_expires_in=>2400 }) #A cache is probably a good idea.
# Check the wunderground docs for details, but here are just a few examples
# the following $t1-$t6 are all equivalent:
$t1 = $wun->api_call('conditions')->temp_f
$t2 = $wun->api_call('conditions', 22152)->temp_f
$t3 = $wun->api_call('conditions', {location=>22152})->temp_f
$t4 = $wun->api_call('conditions', location=>22152)->temp_f
$t5 = $wun->conditions->temp_f
$t6 = $wun->temp_f
# simple current conditions
print 'The temperature is: '.$wun->conditions->temp_f."\n";
print 'The rest of the world calls that: '.$wun->conditions->temp_c."\n";
# radar/satellite imagery
my $sat_gif = $wun->satellite; #image calls default to 300x300 gif
my $rad_png = $wun->radar( format=>'png', width=>500, height=>500 ); #or pass parameters to be specific
my $rad_animation = $wun->animatedsatellite(); #animations are always gif
# almanac / forecast / more.
print 'Record high temperature year: '.$wun->almanac->temp_high->recordyear."\n";
print "Sunrise at:".$wun->astronomy->sunrise->hour.':'.$wun->astronomy->sunrise->minute."\n";
print "Simple forecast:".$wun->forecast->simpleforecast->forecastday->[0]{conditions}."\n";
print "Text forecast:".$wun->forecast->txt_forecast->forecastday->[0]{fcttext}."\n";
print "Long range forecast:".$wun->forecast10day->txt_forecast->forecastday->[9]{fcttext}."\n";
print "Chance of rain three hours from now:".$wun->hourly->[3]{pop}."%\n";
print "Nearest airport:".$wun->geolookup->nearby_weather_stations->airport->{station}[0]{icao}."\n";
# Conditions is autoloaded into the root of the object
print "Temp_f:".$wun->temp_f."\n";
Included for backward compatibility only. Refetches conditions data from the server. It will be removed in a future release. If you specify an api_key then this is equivalent to $wun->api_call('conditions') and is subject to the same cache
Set the location. For example:
my $wun = WWW::Wunderground::API->new('22030');
my $ffx_temp = $wun->conditions->temp_f;
my $ny_temp = $wun->conditions->temp_f;
$wun->location('San Diego, CA');
my $socal_temp = $wun->conditions->temp_f;
Valid locations can be derived from others by calling the geolookup endpoint, but you probably already know where you are.
set auto_api to something truthy to have the module automatically make API calls without the use of api_call()
Set api_name to any location-based wunderground api call (almanac,conditions,forecast,history...).
Location is optional and defaults to "location()". Can be any valid location (eg 22152,'KIAD','q/CA/SanFrancisco',...)
#Almanac data for 90210
#If auto_api=>1 the following is equivalent
#10 day forecast for New York
Set/Get current language for the next API call. The default language is 'EN'. See the wunderground API doc for a list of available languages.
Returns raw text result from the most recent API call. This will be either xml or json depending on api_type. You can also set this to whatever json/xml you'd like, though I can't imagine why you'd want to.
Specify a cache object. Needs only to satisfy get(key) and set(key,value) interface. Any Cache::Cache or CHI cache should work.
*Deprecated* - use "raw()" instead.
Returns raw xml result from wunderground server where applicable
*Deprecated* - use "raw()" instead.
Returns raw json result from wunderground server where applicable
Contains all weather data from server parsed into convenient Hash::AsObject form;
Required for JSON api access. Defaults to $ENV{WUNDERGROUND_API}
Defaults to json. If no api_key is specified it will be set to xml and only basic weather conditions will be available.
John Lifsey, <nebulous at crashed.net>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-wunderground-api at rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=WWW-Wunderground-API. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Better yet, fork the repository on github and send a pull request: https://github.com/nebulous/WWW-Wunderground-API
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WWW::Wunderground::API
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Weather Underground discontinuation notice https://apicommunity.wunderground.com/weatherapi/topics/end-of-service-for-the-weather-underground-api
If you'd like to scrape from Weather Underground rather than use the API, see Weather::Underground. Without an API key, WWW::Wunderground::API can only get the current weather conditions.
See the wunderground.com API documentation to get a free key, and for more details about available API endpoints. http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/d/docs
Copyright 2020 John Lifsey.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.