This was written as a demo application for a custom GBC - not as production quality code.
Disclaimer - It's a demo! - it's not fully functional and purely example code!
NOTE: This was written using the EAP3 vesion of Genero 3.20 - I will updating it for newer releases as and when I can.
NOTE: The GBC customization was done using the 1.00.53 release.
- Screenshots : The screenshots for this README
- db : My sqlite demo database
- dbexport : An Informix dbexport of my current demo database
- etc : 4st / 4ad / 4rp / 4db etc
- gas : XCF file for deployment
- gst_gas : An XCF for when running via GST
- pics : Logo's
- src : Source code for the applications
- src/lib : Library source code
- git submodule add g2_lib
- git submodule add gbc_mdi
If libraries change do: git submodule foreach git pull origin master
This was written and tested on Linux and built using GeneroStudio 3.20, the Makefile is used to setup additional folders.
- Required: GST 3.20 installed licensed and the environment set eg: . envgenero
- For notes on building the GBC see
IMPORTANT Make sure you use the --recursive flag when you clone this repo, eg: On Linux
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd gbc_app
$ make
$ make
This demo uses my njm_demo310 database as created by the mk_db program here:
I've only tested this application against Informix, PostgreSQL and SQLite.
To run locally with the included SQLite DB you'll need to change the etc/profile to load that database driver.
At the time of writing this, I have a deployed version of the demo that can be run from here:
NOTE: This is actually running on a Raspberry Pi using: rasbian / lighttpd / postgresSQL
There is no login code in this demo so you can login using any user/pass values. If you want a login demo see
This demo uses the new structure methods feature. eg:
dirName STRING,
fileName STRING,
fileExt STRING,
fullLogPath STRING,
#+ Set the logging Dir / Name / Ext / useDate
#+ @param l_dir Directory to log to - can be NULL to use $LOGDIR
#+ @param l_name File name - can be NULL to default to use $LOGNAME
#+ @param l_ext File extension - can be NULL to default ( .log )
#+ @param l_useDate string "true" / "false" include the date in the log name
FUNCTION (this logger) init(l_dir STRING, l_name STRING, l_ext STRING, l_useDate STRING) RETURNS()
CALL this.setLogDir(l_dir)
IMPORT FGL g2_logging
&include ""
PUBLIC DEFINE g2_err g2_logging.logger
CALL g2_err.init(NULL, NULL, "err", "TRUE")
DISPLAY "StartLog ", g2_err.fullLogPath
CALL STARTLOG(g2_err.fullLogPath)