This simple code reads a Overkill Solar (XiaoXiang) BMS's cell voltages and summary information (overall voltage, current, SOC% and other fields) through BLE. It works on Adafruit's nrf52 based devices.
I've keep code splatter to a minimum, and this single C++ file (it can be renamed as a .ino) does this:
- Scans for devices
- Finds BMSes named XiaoXiang and with the required service (0000ff00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
- Initiates a connection with them
- On connection, discovers the service and a Rx then Tx characteristic that will allow communication with the BMS
- Every five seconds send a command (which alternates between 0x03 and 0x04) to the BMS
- Receives notifications
- Concatenates messages requiring more than the 20 bytes each notification provides
- If no errors, it Serial.prints out the data received in human readable form
Copyright Neil Shepherd 2022 Released under MIT license
I acknowledge several other sources of information and inspiration: - overkill solar's respository of docs and code - a detailed doc behind the protocol used to read and write data - a central repository of a number of links - a version using an ESP32 - Adafruit's hrm example, which is similar in methodology