Sample app for money transfers between accounts. It supports account creation with initial balance and issuing money transfers between accounts.
It is build using Javalin with Guice and Kotlin. Hibernate with H2 in-memory database.
Tested with JUnit5 and REST-assured
It includes examples for both DB locking and Thread locking.
Server starts on: http://localhost:7000
To start the server:
./mvnw compile exec:java
Or build jar and run it:
./mvnw package && java -jar target/transfer-money-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Click to expand!
GET /api/accounts
Get all accounts
Successful response:200
Example response:[ { "accountId": 1, "balance": 200.00 }, { "accountId": 2, "balance": 100.00 } ]
GET /api/accounts/:id
get account by id
Successful response:200
Example response:{ "accountId": 1, "balance": 200.00 }
POST /api/accounts
Create account
Request body:{ "balance": 200.00 }
Successful response:
Example response:{ "accountId": 1, "balance": 200.00 }
GET /api/transfers
Get all transfers
Successful response:200
Example response:[ { "transferId": 1, "sourceAccountId": 1, "destinationAccountId": 2, "amount": 50.00, "createdAt": "2019-09-30T20:57:02.15", "status": "SUCCESS" }, { "transferId": 2, "sourceAccountId": 1, "destinationAccountId": 2, "amount": 50.00, "createdAt": "2019-09-30T20:57:03.102", "status": "FAILED" }, { "transferId": 3, "sourceAccountId": 1, "destinationAccountId": 2, "amount": 50.00, "createdAt": "2019-09-30T20:57:05.397", "status": "REQUESTED" } ]
POST /api/transfers
Create transfer
Request body:{ "sourceAccountId": 1, "destinationAccountId": 2, "amount": 50.0 }
Successful response:
Example response:{ "transferId": 1, "sourceAccountId": 1, "destinationAccountId": 2, "amount": 50.00, "createdAt": "2019-09-30T20:57:02.15", "status": "SUCCESS" }