- macOS Mojave: Tested with macOS Mojave 10.14.6.
- Completely Automated: Homebrew, Cask and Mas.
- Latest Versions: Includes Python, Node, etc...
git clone https://github.com/nekomamoushi/osx-setup.git && cd osx-setup
bash setup.sh
- Enter administrator account password only once
- Turn off sleep and set computer name/hostname
- Install macOS updates
- Install Xcode and Developer tools
- Package Manager
- Set OSX preferences automatically
- Set Apps preferences automatically
macOs Updates
sudo softwareupdate --install --all
Developer Tools
xcode-select --install
sudo xcodebuild -license accept
Set Defaults for Sleep
sudo pmset -a sleep "${VALUE}"
sudo pmset -a disksleep "${VALUE}"
Set Hostname and Computer Name
sudo scutil --set ComputerName "${NAME}"
sudo scutil --set HostName "${NAME}"
| Tap | URL | |----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------| | homebrew-core | link | | homebrew-cask | link | | homebrew-fonts | link | | homebrew-bundle | link | | homebrew-versions | link |
| Tools | URL | |---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------| | bash | link | | bash-completion@2 | link | | bash-git-prompt | link | | diff-so-fancy | link | | fzf | link | | git | link | | git-standup | link | | htop | link | | mas | link | | nvm | link | | python | link | | python@2 | link | | pipenv | link | | pyenv | link | | the_silver_searcher | link | | tldr | link | | wget | link | | zsh | link | | zplug | link |
| Casks | URL | |------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1password | link | | adoptopenjdk8 | link | | android-studio | link | | android-platform-tools | link | | android-sdk | link | | boostnote | link | | dropbox | link | | evernote | link | | iina | link | | firefox | link | | font-fira-code | link | | font-hack-nerd-font | link | | font-iosevka | link | | iterm2 | link | | macdown | link | | numi | link | | qlcolorcode | link | | qlmarkdown | link | | quicklook-json | link | | quicklook-csv | link | | qlstephen | link | | sublime-merge | link | | sublime-text | link | | the-unarchiver | link | | transmission | link | | vscodium | link |
| Mas | URL | |---------------------+------------------|--------------------------------------------- -------| | Unsplash Wallpapers | link | | Agenda. | link |
The code is available under the MIT license.