A Dockerfile which runs SQLantern in a compact environment with Apache and mod_php (built on Alpine Linux, ~30MB installed).
Your databases must accept external connections for this setup to work.
SQLantern is a multi-panel and multi-screen database manager.
Read more about it in the official repository.
Visit demo at sqlantern.com
- Pull docker image and run:
docker pull nektowastaken/sqlantern
docker run -d -p 1111:1111 --rm nektowastaken/sqlantern
- Or build and run the container from source:
docker build -t sqlantern .
docker run -d -p 1111:1111 --rm sqlantern
Open "http://localhost:1111/" in your web-browser (if you run Docker on the same machine).
If "localhost" doesn't work, the container also responds to:
- "http://sqlantern.local:1111/" (add "sqlantern.local" to your "hosts", using your Docker host's IP)
- Docker host IP address, e.g. ""
SQLantern in this container is always fresh (updated from GitHub on every container run).
Web-server in the container listens to port 1111 internally.
This container SHOULD NOT be used on machines, exposed to the internet: "multihost" is enabled in SQLantern, making it a potential proxy for a brute force or DDOS attack.
It SHOULD be used behind a firewall or in dev environment with closed/limited ports.