Pre-release0.2.6 (2018-06-26)
Nelson provides a cross-platform command-line tool written in Nelson for compiling native addon modules for Nelson. It takes away the pain of dealing with the various differences in build platforms:
helper's functions to build C/C++ code easily on Windows, Linux, MacOS X:
- dlgeneratemake: generates a makefile for building a dynamic library.
- dlgeneratecleaner: generates cleaner.nls file for C++ gateway.
- dlgenerateloader: generates loader.nls file for C++ gateway.
- dlgenerateunloader: generates unloader.nls file for C++ gateway.
- dlgenerategateway: generates C++ gateway.
- findcmake: find CMake path.
- cmake function: call CMake tool.
- dlmake: call make or nmake tool.
detect and configure C/C++ compilers on Windows, Linux, MacosX:
On Windows:
- VS 2017 Professional, Entreprise, Community supported.
- MinGW-W64 for 32 and 64 bit supported.
- By default, Nelson does not try to detect a C/C++ compiler on Windows.
Do not forget to run 'configuremsvc' or 'configuremingw' once.
On Linux:
- GNU C/C++ Compilers, Clang.
MacOS X:
- Xcode or GNU compiler available via Homebrew .
havecompiler function: returns if a compiler is configured.
configuremingw function: select and configure Mingw-w64 compilers.
configuremsvc function: select and configure Microsoft compilers.
loadcompilerconf function: load compiler configuration
removecompilerconf function: remove compiler configuration
vswhere function: detects easily modern Microsoft compilers.
module skeleton updated to build an example with C++ function (cpp_sum).
sprintf, fprintf functions: format data into a string or a file.
add "<--C/C++ COMPILER REQUIRED-->" tag managed by test engine.
add "<--INDEX 64 BIT REQUIRED-->" tag managed by test engine.
norm function: matrix and vectors norms.
#128: code indented with clang-format (webkit coding style)
Bug Fixes:
#139: fix(1e10) returned a wrong value.
#136: Corrected predecence of Colon ":" operator.
#134: Evaluation of Non-Scalar If-Condition Expression was not managed.
#116: fix display size of big sparse matrix.
- libffi 3.2.1 dll on Windows 32 & 64 bit