Goal is to stream tweets from specific users and store them in a csv file.
Please follow this tutorial to obtain your authentication keys that will be used later. There are a total of 4 keys that you will need.
4 keys:
- consumer_key
- consumer_secret
- access_token
- access_secret
These are the 4 libraries that are required for this script.
import csv
import tweepy
import argparse
import requests
Download the code crawler.py
Create 2 other csv files, 1 for the details of publishers and the other for the storage of tweets. Publisher.csv is the input file for the script to read in the user_ids of the publishers. Key in user_name of publisher to this link to obtain the user_id. Format example is shown below (heading is added for readability, actual csv file does not contain it).
e.g. Publishers.csv
name | twitter user name | twitter user_id |
The Straits Times | @STcom | 37874853 |
One Asia | @sphasiaone | 19013879 |
Channel NewsAsia | @ChannelNewsAsia | 38400130 |
Makaysiakini | @malaysiakini | 18040230 |
BBC | @BBCNews | 612473 |
The Independent | @Independent | 16973333 |
CNN | @CNN | 759251 |
Wall Street Journal | @WSJ | 3108351 |
Bloomberg | @business | 34713362 |
The Guardian | @guardian | 87818409 |
Reuters | @Reuters | 1652541 |
National Geographic | @NatGeo | 17471979 |
The Business Times | @BusinessTimes | 1181472344 |
The New Paper | @thenewpaper | 34565395 |
TODAY | @TODAYonline | 41085467 |
e.g. Tweets.csv
source | publisher name | date & time | tweet |
BBC News (UK) | 2018-06-05 01:40:47 | Swimmer Ben Lecomte begins record Pacific crossing attempt https://t.co/lAFNYQjsHb | |
BBC News (UK) | 2018-06-05 01:40:47 | Heathrow Airport: Cabinet set for new runway decision https://t.co/C8EShhmhJU | |
BBC News (UK) | 2018-06-05 01:40:47 | Ron Rockwell Hansen: US arrests man for trying to spy for China https://t.co/D6YEOYDev2 |
Fill in this part of the code shown below in crawler.py
with your authentication keys.
consumer_key = 'CONSUMER_KEY'
consumer_secret = 'CONSUMER_SECRET'
access_token = 'ACCESS_TOKEN'
access_secret = 'ACCESS_SECRET'
Simply run python crawler.py Tweets.csv Publishers.csv
For more info on how to run, type python crawler.py -h