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Graph App Kit

Build Neo4j Graph Apps using components and utilities from this graph app kit.

Browse source code and read README:s in sub directories for examples and docs.

Check out the interactive playground for a demo of the components.

What's in here

Component Description
<AsciiTable> Render your data in an text/ascii table with fixed width font.
<Chart> Render your data in a chart visualization.
<Cypher> A simple component to execute a Cypher query and return the result to your render function.
<CypherEditor> A cypher editor component with code highlighting and autocomplete functionality.
<DesktopIntegration> Easy integration for your app into the Neo4j Desktop API. Subscribe to events etc.
<DriverProvider> Provide your React application with a neo4j-driver in application context.
<GraphAppBase> A base component for apps to reduce the amount of boilerplate code for connection handling. Integrates the app with the Neo4j Desktop API and provides the application with a neo4j-driver in application context.
<Render> A declarative toggling component to mount / unmount child components under certain conditions.

Install and import

npm install graph-app-kit --registry
// or
yarn add graph-app-kit --registry
import "semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css";
import { Cypher } from "graph-app-kit/components/Cypher";
import { DriverProvider } from "graph-app-kit/components/DriverProvider";
import { Render } from "graph-app-kit/components/Render";
import { Chart } from "graph-app-kit/components/Chart";
import { CypherEditor } from "graph-app-kit/components/Editor";

Component playground / library

There's an interactive playground to view and modify the components.
This is temporarily hosted at

Feedback wanted!

To use the playground when developing components: yarn playground and to generate a static version to deploy: yarn playground:build (the artifacts end up in styleguide/)

Development mode

git clone graph-app-kit
cd graph-app-kit
yarn install

Dev environment setup

The preferred way to develop new components is to either develop it directly in src/dev/Component or import there.
To start dev server on http://localhost:3000/ (loads src/dev/index.js in webpack): yarn start
To have continous testing (add tests to src/dev/Component.test.js): yarn dev

Exposing components

Here's a checklist for things to be done before opening a PR with a new component:

  1. Restore src/dev to it's initial state.
  2. Name the component file ComponentName.js and the test file ComponentName.test.js.
  3. Export the component as a named export + a default export. Named for the kit users and default for placing it in the playground.
  4. Add an index.js in the components directory, which just exports the named import. i.e. export { ComponentName } from './ComponentName'.
  5. Execute yarn test and make sure the test coverage for the component is reasonable.
  6. Add a in the components directory where you showcase one (or more) example usages and instructions of the component.
  7. Execute yarn playground to see it in action. Make sure it looks good and makes sense.
  8. Add an import test for the component in test_package/react/package.test.js AND test_package/preact/preact.test.js. Execute yarn test:package and watch it fail.
  9. Add the component to the file conf/kit_exports.js. Follow the named / path convention.
  10. Execute yarn test:package again and watch it pass.
  11. Open a PR and wait for praise.


yarn lint


Single run:

yarn test
// or for including production bundle tests
yarn test:all

Continous testing (watch mode):

yarn dev