rpm is a fast and easy-to-use package manager for Node.js. It is built with Rust and aims to provide fast performance for managing your Node.js packages.
You can follow the script below, or you can use the scripts in
- download rpm.tar.gz
curl -o rpm.tar.gz -l https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nerdchanii/rpm/main/rpm.tar.gz
- make /.rpm in User root
mkdir ~/.rpm
- decompress tar.gz and remove
tar -zxf rpm.tar.gz -C ~/.rpm && rm rpm.tar.gz
- setup alias
# with zsh
echo "alias rpm="~/.rpm/rpm"" >> ~/.zshrc
# with bash
echo "alias rpm="~/.rpm/rpm"" >> ~/.bashrc
- apply terminal(or restart)
⚠️ if not work relaod terminal or open new Terminal
# with zsh
source ~/.zshrc
# with bash
source ~/.bashrc
# clone
git clone https://github.coom/nerdchanii/rpm.git && cd rpm
# if you use zsh
zsh scripts/installation.zsh.sh
# if you use sh
sh scripts/installation.sh
- install packages your needed using package.json
# ex)
rpm install
# ex) adding library with latest version
rpm add react
# ex) adding library with specific version
rpm add vite@4.2.0
run command excute your script within package.json
if your package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "vite",
"serve": "node index.js"
# you can excute script
rpm run dev
rpm run server
- React
- React-dom
- vite (but, create vite not surpported now.)
- express
- prettier
- vue
- lodash
- svelte
RPM is an open-source project and we welcome contributions from the community. If you'd like to contribute, we encourage you to fork the GitHub repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. We appreciate all contributions, big or small, and thank you in advance for your help in making RPM better!