This POC is in search of the continuous integration environment with the ultimate container technology Docker in a Python ecosystem.
Just commit a change and see the build process from this link :
All changes result in a push to our docker hub. You can track it from this link :
The configuration for the ci process is as follows
version: 2 -> This is the circle ci yml version
working_directory: /dockerapp -> The directory to run the steps
- image: docker:17.05.0-ce-git -> This is the docker version in which
all of the processes will be executed
- checkout -> checkout the source to the working directory
- setup_remote_docker -> When setup_remote_docker executes, a remote environment will be created,
and your current primary container will be configured to use it.
Then, any docker-related commands you use will be safely executed in this new environment.
- run: -> Just a step named Install dependencies
name: Install dependencies
command: |
apk add --no-cache py-pip=9.0.0-r1
pip install docker-compose==1.15.0
- run: -> Start the application and run the tests.
name: Run tests
command: |
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run dockerapp python
- deploy: -> Push the image to our docker hub tagged with commit hash.
name: Push application Docker image
command: |
docker tag dockerapp_dockerapp netasankara/poc-docker-ci-py:$CIRCLE_SHA1
docker tag dockerapp_dockerapp netasankara/poc-docker-ci-py:latest
docker push netasankara/poc-docker-ci-py:$CIRCLE_SHA1