This is the TypeScript framework of the "observer model". It provides fewer but efficient interfaces, such as on
, off
and so on.
For npm:
$ npm install @netcodejs/event --save
For Yarn:
$ yarn add @netcodejs/event
For esmodule:
import { Event } from "@netcodejs/event"
For commonjs:
var Event = require("@netcodejs/event")
const event = new Event();
function logHelloWorld(author: string) {
console.log("Hello, world. Author: " + author + ".");
event.on("hello", logHelloWorld);
event.emit("hello", "LittleMoi"); // It will log "Hello, world. Author: LittleMoi".
event.emit("hello", "netcodejs"); // Similaryly, "Hello, world. Author: netcodejs".
event.emit("hi"); // No throws, no things.