This (quick and dirty) tool allows to receive grafana alerts in webhook format, and transfer it's content to an SMS gateway.
In our case, the SMS gateway will be gammu-smsd
but any command line driven SMS gateway can be configured.
You need a working SMS service that can be triggered by CLI, example: gammu-smsd
Install and setup a python environment
cd /opt
git clone
python3 -m venv /opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/venv
/opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/venv/bin/python -m pip install -r /opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/requirements.txt
Configure the file /opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd.conf
according to your needs.
By default, it's configured to use Gammu-smsd-inject command to send SMS.
Setup the service
cp /opt/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd/examples/systemd/grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd
systemctl start grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd
systemctl status grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd
Don't forget to setup the firewall. Example for RHEL:
firewall-cmd --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent && firewall-cmd --reload
At this point, you can configure Grafana's webhook. Send endpoint is /grafana
The url will be http(s)://your_server.tld/grafana/{phone_number}
where {phone_number}
must be replaced with actual number, URL encoded if needed.
HTTP method should be post, and HTTP Basic authentication should be enabled.
Please also use this server behind a HTTPS reverse proxy for better security.
You may add multiple phone numbers by separating them with a semicolon, eg
You may also limit the number of sent sms by setting a minimal interval between two sent smses.
The url will be http(s)://your_server.tld/grafana/{phone_number}/{min_interval}
Example, in order to not receive more than a SMS every two hours (7200 seconds):
Once your server is setup, you can use CURL to check whether everything works.
By using one of the test grafana calls found in grafana-webhook-calls.txt
and the username/password configured in grafana_webhook_gammu_smsd.conf
, you can execute the following test request to phone number 01234567890
curl -X POST -u grafana:MySecret!Password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"receiver": "test", "status": "firing", "alerts": [{"status": "firing", "labels": {"alertname": "TestAlert", "instance": "Grafana"}, "annotations": {"summary": "Notification test"}, "startsAt": "2024-03-09T11:10:16.31897622+01:00", "endsAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "generatorURL": "", "fingerprint": "57c6d9296de2ad39", "silenceURL": "https://supervision.local/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3DTestAlert&matcher=instance%3DGrafana", "dashboardURL": "", "panelURL": "", "values": null, "valueString": "[ metric='foo' labels={instance=bar} value=10 ]"}], "groupLabels": {"alertname": "TestAlert", "instance": "Grafana"}, "commonLabels": {"alertname": "TestAlert", "instance": "Grafana"}, "commonAnnotations": {"summary": "Notification test"}, "externalURL": "https://supervision.local/", "version": "1", "groupKey": "test-57c6d9296de2ad39-1709979016", "truncatedAlerts": 0, "orgId": 1, "title": "[FIRING:1] TestAlert Grafana ", "state": "alerting", "message": "**Firing**\n\nValue: [no value]\nLabels:\n - alertname = TestAlert\n - instance = Grafana\nAnnotations:\n - summary = Notification test\nSilence: https://supervision.local/alerting/silence/new?alertmanager=grafana&matcher=alertname%3DTestAlert&matcher=instance%3DGrafana\n"}' http://localhost:8080/grafana/01234567890