Collection of shaders for Unity3D and VRChat. World Normal and World Positon shaders have been used as basis for more interesting advanced effects, such as:
- triplanar decals
- color wave
- distortion wave
- cover everything in texture
Shader marked with 🚪 render what is behind them with some effect, they don't go on your avatar but ideally on some "window" that you will look thru. Post processing might ruin results of these shaders.
Shader marked with 💡 need _CameraDepthTexture, to ensure _CameraDepthTexture is enabled please add a directional Light anywhere to your avatar (idally enabled only when the "window" is enabled) and set it's properties in the following way:
The settings above should be optimized enough to not cause any additional render passes, if they do, the render passes should be low resolution. Intensity value has to be over 0, because if it's 0 Unity considers the light as disabled. You need to do this because Unity's forward rendering _CameraDepthTexture is enabled only if world has at least one light with shadows enabled or if game maker setsCamera.main.depthTextureMode = DepthTextureMode.Depth
. Shaders that use depth texture will be more imprecise or noisy the further you are from position 0,0,0. That is due to the nature of floating point numbers, it's a Unity thing.
Both VR and non VR see same censor squares.
Censor square size decreases as distance to it increases.
Example on how to construct world space ray from clispace uv. Useful as start for fully raymarched worlds.
Overlays background color on top of original scene.
Fades into original scene color.
Slow because it uses two passes instead of one.
Fast because it uses one pass, ugly because it uses ddx
and ddy
which work in 2x2 blocks.
Efficient single pass world cutout shader.
Uses ray sphere intersection, so works only as spherical cutout.
Fades outline (aka rim lighting) based on how far it is behind objects and how far it is from camera.
Add it to bottom of material list in Renderer component, so whole object is rendered again with this material.
Used in migero's Foosball 1vs1 Or 2vs2
Shaders ported from Shadertoy
Complex combination of shaders and specifc mesh/component/camera. Contains premade prefabs or example worlds.
Example World Weak attempt at clone of Just Graffitiǃ by: nyakome
Most up to date versions of my clock.
Also distributed thru VRCMods
Prefab that helps with world light debugging.
I use it to debug issues with my Neitri MMD shader.
Wireframe Projector Prefab inspired by the one found Avatar Testing‼ by Mimi's
Shader I'am using on my avatar. More info...
Everyone in "VRC Shader Development" discord
Mel0n - Wireframe Overlay idea
Merlin - Wireframe Fade
migero - Distance Fade Outline idea
Nave - Script to generate 1 vert + X triangles mesh for Depth Mirror and GPU Particles
error.mdl - original Depth Mirror idea, single texture fetch triplanar
ScruffyRules - help with Depth Mirror debugging
Dj Lukis.LT - correct depth sampling with oblique view frustums
d4rkpl4y3r - Shader Debug HDR detection idea