Kindr 1.0.0 released! (28.06.2016, see changelog below)
Autonomous Systems Lab ETH Zurich
Contact : Christian Gehring [gehrinch ( at )]
Author(s): C. Dario Bellicoso, Michael Bloesch, Remo Diethelm, Peter Fankhauser, Paul Furgale, Christian Gehring, Hannes Sommer
Date : June-2016
Impatient individuals can directly download the cheat sheet.
See also section 'Building the documentation' below.
- Simplified header include
#include <kindr/Core>
is provided. - Kindr is now strongly dependent on Eigen.
- All sub namespaces have been removed. (e.g.
) - The implementations of rotations and time derivatives have been simplified (Passive, Hamiltonian).
- Active typedefs (e.g. RotationQuaternionAD) have been removed and simpler ones (e.g. RotationQuaternionD) have been introduced.
- Note that the functionality of some operators changed! Please check the cheat sheet to understand what is implemented.
- Some hints on what needs to be changed from kindr 0.0.1:
rotation.setFromVectors(v1, v2)
->rotation.setFromVectors(v2, v1)
C_BI.boxPlus(dt * B_w_IB)
->C_BI.boxPlus(dt * C_IB * B_w_IB)
C_BI.boxMinus(dt * B_w_IB)
->-C_BI.boxMinus(dt * B_w_IB)
- Euler angles probably have to be negated.
- Conversion methods between ROS and kindr have been moved to the package kindr_ros.
- Concatenation of Homogeneous Transformation is now implemented.
- Short typedefs are provided for Homogeneous Transformation:
. - Jacobian of exponential map is implemented.
- Unit tests based on gtest are provided to test the convention of other software packages.
- Gazebo (gazebo::math::Quaternion) uses the same convention as kindr.
- ROS TF (tf::Quaternion and tf::Matrix3x3) uses the same convention as kindr.
- RBDL's RigidBodyDynamics::Math::SpatialTransform uses the same convention as kindr, whereas RBDL's RigidBodyDynamics::Math::Quaternion concatenates differently and its conversion to a rotation matrix is inverted.
- Eigen 3.2.0 (Older versions might also work)
- GCC 4.7 is required at the minimum.
- CMake 2.8.3 is required at the minimum.
The maintainers of this project provide binary packages for ROS and Ubuntu LTS releases. To install these packages, you may follow these instructions:
Add the project PPA to your APT sources by issuing
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethz-asl/common
on the command line
To re-synchronize your package index files, run
sudo apt-get update
Install all project packages and their dependencies through
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-kindr-*
or selected packages using your favorite package management tool.
Install the library with CMake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Uninstall the library with:
cd build
sudo sudo make uninstall
Kindr can be included in your cmake project. Add the following to your CmakeLists.txt:
Build kindr with catkin:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
catkin_make_isolated -C ~/catkin_ws
or with catkin command line tools:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
catkin build -w ~/catkin_ws kindr
Kindr can be included in your catkin project with: Add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:
find_package(catkin COMPONENTS kindr)
And to your package.xml:
Build the documentation with Doxygen:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make doc
The doxygen documentation can be found here:
GTests are only built if the folder gtest exists in the root folder.
Download and use GTest:
ln -s gtest-1.7.0 gtest
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DBUILD_TEST=true