This module is no longer developed or maintained. All development has switched to the RefreshLess module itself; if you want to help out, please see Hotwire Turbo minimum viable implementation [#3393105]. The rest of this readme is left as-is but no longer relevant.
This contains the source files for the "Omnipedia - RefreshLess" Drupal module, which provides experimental support for the RefreshLess contributed module for Omnipedia.
Rough demo video on YouTube - doesn't provide any UI to indicate loading yet so this is just a proof of concept.
Applies the RefreshLess Drupal core patch and works around several issues:
Add hook/event to alter cache contexts that RefreshLess considers sensitive to changes
Consider attaching RefreshLess even when no session exists/user is anonymous
PHP 8.1
Ensure that you have your Drupal installation set up with the correct Composer
installer types such as those provided by the drupal/recommended-project
If you're starting from scratch, simply requiring that template and following
the Composer
should get you up and running.
In your root composer.json
, add the following to the "repositories"
"drupal/omnipedia_refreshless": {
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
Once you've completed all of the above, run composer require "drupal/omnipedia_refreshless:^2.0@dev"
in the root of your project to have
Composer install this and its required dependencies for you.
The following major version bumps indicate breaking changes:
Requires Drupal 10.1.
Requires PHP 8.1.
Requires RefreshLess 2.x.