"Zone Trainer is a mobile application that allows you to easily check and record your brain waves with EEG headset."
Go to the Releases to download the installable APK file.
- Check your brain waves in real-time with EEG headset.
- Record screen with your appearance and brain waves together.
- Show dashboard of your recent brain waves data.
- 100% Kotlin based including Kotlin DSL for Gradle.
- Coroutines + Flow for asynchronous.
- Gradle Version Catalog for control version of dependencies.
- Jetpack
- Architecture
- MVVM Architecture (View - ViewModel - Model)
- Unidirectional Data Flow Pattern
- Repository Pattern
- Retrofit2 & OkHttp3: Construct the REST APIs and exchange network data.
- Bluetooth Adapter for connection with MindWave EEG headset.
- Google Auth API with OAuth2.0
- HBRecorder for record screen while training.