This toolkit use Ansible to install all necessary tools for developers working on Linux. For now, this will only cover Fedora and Ubuntu. Later I will add scripts for Mac OS and Redhat.
- Install Fedora :
- Install ubuntu :
cd ~
git clone
cd workspace-quickstart
sudo yum upgrade
sudo yum -y install git
sudo yum -y install python2-dnf libselinux-python yum
sudo yum -y install ansible
sudo get-apt upgrade
sudo get-apt install git
sudo get-apt install python2 libselinux-python
sudo get-apt install ansible
sudo echo prompt password
ansible-playbook ansible/playbook.yml
This list of packages can be overridden by changing the default-config.yml.
- autoconf
- bash-completion
- bzip2
- curl
- diffutils
- dnf
- dos2unix
- gawk
- gcc
- git
- grep
- gzip
- htop
- iftop
- iotop
- jq
- less
- make
- nano
- nmap
- ntop
- ntp
- ntpdate
- openssl
- p7zip
- pbzip2
- pwgen
- python2-dnf
- tar
- terminator
- unzip
- wget
- whois
- zip
- unzip
This list of tools can be overridden by deleting roles in the playbook.
- atom
- cassandra
- chrome
- docker
- eclipse
- intellij
- jdk8
- mailhog
- maven
- motd
- nodejs and npm
- slack
- sqlectron
- sublime
- tomcat
- vagrant
- virtualbox
- bash customization
vagrant up
or install manually a VM, then inside the vm:
sudo echo prompt password
ansible-playbook ansible/playbook.yml
Note: some steps may take time so it will fail as it prompts for password again while running.