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Nr 355273 ci optimization #1103

Nr 355273 ci optimization

Nr 355273 ci optimization #1103

Workflow file for this run

name: Pull Request Workflow
on: [pull_request]
# So that only one PR workflow will be run simultaneously. This ensures that there will not be multiple runners accessing
# the same Terraform state at the same time.
concurrency: pr-workflow-${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
PRE_RELEASE_NAME: tmp-pr-${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
# Used to re-sign Linux artifacts
GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64: ${{ secrets.OHAI_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64 }} # base64 encoded
# Empties the GH pre-release
# Generates strategy matrices that can be used by other jobs to run the build or testing of all supported packages
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
pre_release_name: ${{ steps.set_vars.outputs.pre_release_name }}
sles_matrix: ${{ steps.set-matrices.outputs.sles_matrix }}
linux_and_windows_matrix: ${{ steps.set-matrices.outputs.linux_and_windows_matrix }}
linux_and_windows_unique_target_package : ${{ steps.set-matrices.outputs.linux_and_windows_unique_target_package }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# This is a workaround required to pass environment variables to the run_e2e_tests workflow
# See: and
- name: Make dynamically-generated env variables available to be passed down to reusable workflows
id: set_vars
run: |
echo "pre_release_name=$PRE_RELEASE_NAME" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: (Re)create pre-release
run: |
pre_release_exists=$(gh release view $PRE_RELEASE_NAME &>/dev/null && echo "true" || echo "false")
if [[ $pre_release_exists == "true" ]]; then
echo "Deleting existing pre-release"
gh release delete ${{ env.PRE_RELEASE_NAME }} -y --cleanup-tag
pre_release_title="Temporary release to build and test artifacts from PR#${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}"
pre_release_notes="Created by PR: ${GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/pull/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}"
# Releases created from a runner are always DRAFT
echo "Creating release: $pre_release_tag"
gh release create "$pre_release_tag" --title "$pre_release_title" --notes "$pre_release_notes"
# We need the pre-release to NOT be a draft, otherwise it won't be visible to download packages from the Ansible-managed hosts
echo "Updating release to be a pre-release"
gh release edit "$pre_release_tag" --draft=false --prerelease
- name: Install python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.10'
# Creation of linux_and_windows_unique_target_package is necessary due to the upgrade of actions/upload-artifact from v3 to v4.
# The v4 action throws an error when package names are duplicated, which is the case for Windows packages.
- name: Compute and upload matrices
id: set-matrices
run: |
make versions/generateMatrices
echo "linux_and_windows_matrix=$( cat versions/linuxAndWindowsMatrix.json )" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
json_data=$(cat versions/linuxAndWindowsMatrix.json)
filtered_json=$(echo "$json_data" | jq 'unique_by(.targetPackageName)')
echo "linux_and_windows_unique_target_package=$(echo $filtered_json)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "sles_matrix=$( cat versions/slesMatrix.json )" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
gh release upload ${{ env.PRE_RELEASE_NAME }} versions/linuxAndWindowsMatrix.json --repo newrelic/fluent-bit-package
gh release upload ${{ env.PRE_RELEASE_NAME }} versions/slesMatrix.json --repo newrelic/fluent-bit-package
- name: Compute and upload schemas
run: |
make schemas/generateSchemas;
gh release upload ${{ env.PRE_RELEASE_NAME }} schemas/generated-linux-schema-staging.yaml --repo newrelic/fluent-bit-package
gh release upload ${{ env.PRE_RELEASE_NAME }} schemas/generated-linux-schema-production.yaml --repo newrelic/fluent-bit-package
# Downloads all Fluent Bit packages that are officially supported, preferably from the New Relic Infrastructure Agent
# repository (Linux packages, already re-signed by NR) or Logging's S3 bucket (Windows packages, already packaged for the NRIA).
# If these are not available, they are downloaded from the official Fluent Bit repository and repackaged to be used by the NRIA.
needs: [setup_environment]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ needs.setup_environment.outputs.linux_and_windows_unique_target_package != '[]' }}
fail-fast: true
include: ${{ fromJson(needs.setup_environment.outputs.linux_and_windows_unique_target_package) }}
name: ${{ matrix.osDistro }}-${{ matrix.osVersion }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Attempt downloading package from New Relic repository
id: download_package_from_nr
run: |
mkdir -p packages
if wget --directory-prefix=packages "${{ matrix.nrPackageUrl }}"; then
echo "result=success" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
echo "result=failure" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- name: Download, rename and resign Linux package
if: ${{ steps.download_package_from_nr.outputs.result == 'failure' && matrix.osDistro != 'windows-server' }}
run: |
curl ${{ matrix.packageUrl }} -o packages/${{ matrix.targetPackageName }}
sudo apt-get install -y debsigs
bash ./scripts/
- name: Download and re-zip Windows package
if: ${{ steps.download_package_from_nr.outputs.result == 'failure' && matrix.osDistro == 'windows-server' }}
run: |
wget ${{ matrix.packageUrl }}
unzip fluent-bit-${{ matrix.fbVersion }}-${{ matrix.arch }}.zip
zip -r -j packages/${{ matrix.targetPackageName }} \
fluent-bit-${{ matrix.fbVersion }}-${{ matrix.arch }}/bin/fluent-bit.exe \
fluent-bit-${{ matrix.fbVersion }}-${{ matrix.arch }}/bin/fluent-bit.dll
# gh release upload can have issues if multiple jobs attempt uploading the same file concurrently (it can happen
# for those distros using the same package, such as Windows). To avoid this, we first push all the files to a
# shared filesystem and let the "prepare_prerelease" step below upload them later, sequentially. This GH action
# ensures that if two jobs attempt pushing the same file, they get overwritten (last one prevails).
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# Artifacts are pushed to *shared network folders* that have this name and that contain
# the artifact inside of them. Example: fluent-bit-2.1.8-386.exe/fluent-bit-2.1.8-386.exe
name: ${{ matrix.targetPackageName }}
path: packages/${{ matrix.targetPackageName }}
overwrite: true
needs: [ download_official_packages ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Download all artifacts from shared filesystem
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
path: packages
- name: Push all artifacts to pre-release
# To understand the need for /*/*, see comment in "upload artifacts" step above
gh release upload ${{ env.PRE_RELEASE_NAME }} packages/*/* --repo newrelic/fluent-bit-package
needs: [ setup_environment,upload_official_packages_to_prerelease ]
# name: Run E2E tests by installing NRIA from Production and installing Fluent Bit from the PR pre-release
uses: ./.github/workflows/run_prerelease.yml
gh_release_name: ${{ needs.setup_environment.outputs.pre_release_name }}
infra_agent_version: latest
infra_agent_env: prerelease
sles_matrix: ${{ needs.setup_environment.outputs.sles_matrix }}
pre_release_name: ${{ needs.setup_environment.outputs.pre_release_name }}
secrets: inherit
name: Publish linux packages to staging
needs: [ setup_environment, run_e2e_tests_prerelease ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Publish linux packages to staging
uses: newrelic/infrastructure-publish-action@v1
app_name: fluent-bit
tag: ${{ env.PRE_RELEASE_NAME }}
repo_name: "newrelic/fluent-bit-package"
schema: "custom"
schema_url: "${{ env.PRE_RELEASE_NAME }}/generated-linux-schema-staging.yaml"
aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.OHAI_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_STAGING }}
aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.OHAI_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_STAGING }}
aws_s3_bucket_name: "nr-downloads-ohai-staging"
aws_s3_lock_bucket_name: "onhost-ci-lock-staging"
access_point_host: "staging"
run_id: ${{ github.run_id }}
aws_region: "us-east-1"
aws_role_session_name: ${{ secrets.OHAI_AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME_STAGING }}
aws_role_arn: ${{ secrets.OHAI_AWS_ROLE_ARN_STAGING }}
# used for signing package stuff
gpg_passphrase: ${{ secrets.OHAI_GPG_PASSPHRASE }}
gpg_private_key_base64: ${{ secrets.OHAI_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64 }} # base64 encoded
needs: [ setup_environment, run_e2e_tests_prerelease, publish_linux_to_staging ]
if: |
always() && !failure() && !cancelled()
name: Run E2E tests for all supported packages installing NRIA+FB from staging
uses: ./.github/workflows/run_e2e_tests.yml
gh_release_name: ${{ needs.setup_environment.outputs.pre_release_name }}
infra_agent_version: latest
infra_agent_env: staging
test_report_filename: test-report-staging.xml
secrets: inherit