project contains the following:
- Deploy contract with the source path, contract name and constructor arguments
- Call functions with function arguments, transfer add view support
Get the binary from or refer to
Binary archives are published at
The solc
is required when deployed from source code, use command npm install -g solc
to install solc.
install command:
git clone && cd contractcommander && make install
run contractcommander:
git clone && cd contractcommander && make install
run contractcommander:
Use command contractcommander help
to display the usage.
contractcommander [flags]
contractcommander [command]
Available Commands:
account Manage NewChain accounts
call Call functions with args type and value
deploy Deploy NewChain contract
help Help about any command
init Initialize config file
version Get version of contractcommander CLI
view Get info from the contract by function name and args
-c, --config path The path to config file (default "./config.toml")
-a, --contractAddress address Contract address
-f, --from address the from address who pay gas
-h, --help help for contractcommander
-i, --rpcURL url Geth json rpc or ipc url (default "")
-w, --walletPath directory Wallet storage directory (default "./wallet/")
Use "contractcommander [command] --help" for more information about a command.
You can use a configuration file to simplify the command line parameters.
One available configuration file config.toml
is as follows:
contractaddress = "0xC4c21B165D6C30366079F07fb5408178699aD6b7"
from = "0x4Ba80F138543E75AbF788eB3fE2726425586b0fD"
rpcurl = ""
walletpath = "./wallet/"
# Initialize config file
$ contractcommander init
# Create an account with faucet
contractcommander account new --faucet
# Create 10 accounts
contractcommander account new -n 10 --faucet
# Deploy the `SimpleToken.sol` token
# contract SimpleToken {
# constructor(string _name, string _symbol, uint8 _decimals, uint256 _initialsupply) public {}
# Deploy SimpleToken with the name "HelloToken", the symbol "HT", the decimals "18" and the totalSupply "1024"
contractcommander deploy --sol SimpleToken.sol --name SimpleToken HelloToken HT 18 1024000000000000000000
# Deploy the `SimpleVote.sol` token
# contract SimpleVote {
# Deploy SimpleVote
contractcommander deploy --sol SimpleVote.sol --name SimpleVote
In order to deploy contract from abi and bin, you should file compiler source contract with solc
solc --bin --abi --optimize -o out SimpleToken.sol
the bin and abi file will be saved to folder out
, then deploy with contractcommander:
contractcommander deploy --bin out/SimpleToken.bin --abi out/SimpleToken.abi HelloToken HT 18 1024000000000000000000
# Transfer token to address
contractcommander call transfer address 0x4Ba80F138543E75AbF788eB3fE2726425586b0fD uint256 1
# Execute function and send NEW to the contract
# SimpleVote: becomeCandidate
contractcommander call becomeCandidate --value 100
# Execute function and send NEW to the contract
# SimpleVote: vote
contractcommander call vote address 0x4Ba80F138543E75AbF788eB3fE2726425586b0fD --value 3
# Get contract name
contractcommander view name
# Get contract name and specify the type of the output variable
contractcommander view name --out string
# Get balanceOf address
contractcommander view balanceOf address 0x4Ba80F138543E75AbF788eB3fE2726425586b0fD --out uint256
# Get the totalSupply
contractcommander view totalSupply --out uint256
contractcommander call --view
is the alias of contractcommander view
# Get contract name
contractcommander call name --view --out string
# Get contract info
# function info() public view returns (string, string, uint8, address ) {
# return (name, symbol, decimals, owner);
# }
contractcommander call info --view --out string,string,uint8,address
#submitTrade(bytes32 tradeID, bytes32[2] memory userAddress, uint256[2] memory coinID, uint256[2] memory coinAmount,
# uint256[2] memory feeCoinID, bytes32[2] memory feeCoinAddress, uint256[2] memory feeCoinAmount,
# bytes32[2] memory receivingAddress) {}
contractcommander call submitTrade bytes32 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 bytes32[2] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 uint256[2] 1,2 uint256[2] 1,1 uint256[2] 1,2 bytes32[2] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 uint256[2] 1,1 bytes32[2] 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001,1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
argType Example |
bool |
bool[] |
bool[2] |
bool[2][] |
bool[][] |
bool[][2] |
bool[2][2] |
bool[2][][2] |
bool[2][2][2] |
bool[][][] |
bool[][2][] |
int8 |
int16 |
int32 |
int64 |
int256 |
int8[] |
int8[2] |
int16[] |
int16[2] |
int32[] |
int32[2] |
int64[] |
int64[2] |
int256[] |
int256[2] |
uint8 |
uint16 |
uint32 |
uint64 |
uint256 |
uint8[] |
uint8[2] |
uint16[] |
uint16[2] |
uint32[] |
uint32[2] |
uint64[] |
uint64[2] |
uint256[] |
uint256[2] |
bytes32 |
bytes[] |
bytes[2] |
bytes32[] |
bytes32[2] |
string |
string[] |
string[2] |
address |
address[] |
address[2] |