This is a commandline client for the NewChain blockchain. It's designed to be easy-to-use. It contains the following:
- Create a new account
- Get the balance
- Send transactions to the NewChain system
- Off-line sign transaction from file or guide
- Online send signed transaction
- RPC method support
- Batch pay
Binary archives are published at:
To get from gitlab via go get
, this will get source and install dependens(cobra, viper, logrus).
install command
git clone && cd newcommander && make install
run newcommander
git clone && cd newcommander && make install
run newcommander
Use command newcommander help
to display the usage.
newcommander [flags]
newcommander [command]
Available Commands:
account Manage NewChain accounts
balance Get balance of address
batchpay Batch pay base on file <batch.txt>
broadcast Broadcast sign transacion hex in the signTxFilePath to blockchain
build Build transaction
decode Decode hex raw transaction to json
faucet Get free money for address on NewChain TestNet
help Help about any command
init Initialize config file
pay Send [amount] [unit] from [source] to [target] with message [text]
rpc NewChain RPC method
sign Sign the transaction in the file
version Get version of newcommander CLI
-c, --config path The path to config file (default "./config.toml")
-h, --help help for newcommander
-i, --rpcURL url NewChain json rpc or ipc url (default "")
-w, --walletPath directory Wallet storage directory (default "./wallet/")
Use "newcommander [command] --help" for more information about a command.
You can use a configuration file to simplify the command line parameters.
One available configuration file config.toml
is as follows:
rpcurl = ""
walletpath = "./wallet/"
from = "0xDB2C9C06E186D58EFe19f213b3d5FaF8B8c99481"
unit = "NEW"
password = "newton"
# Initialize config file
newcommander init
Just press Enter to use the default configuration, and it's best to create a new user.
$ newcommander init
Initialize config file
Enter file in which to save (./config.toml):
Enter the wallet storage directory (./wallet/):
Enter NewChain json rpc or ipc url (
Create a new account or not: [Y/n]
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your configuration has been saved in ./config.toml
# Create an account
newcommander account new
# Create 10 accounts
newcommander account new -n 10
# Create an account with the standard scrypt for keystore
newcommander account new -s
# list all accounts of the walletPath
newcommander account list
# update an account password
newcommander account update 0x0e0D78D2089F577d8b8156Eab564f08Ec2249b30
# update account with the standard scrypt for keystore
newcommander account update 0x0e0D78D2089F577d8b8156Eab564f08Ec2249b30 -s
# Get free money for address
newcommander faucet 0xDB2C9C06E186D58EFe19f213b3d5FaF8B8c99481
# Get the balance of an account
newcommander balance 0xDB2C9C06E186D58EFe19f213b3d5FaF8B8c99481
# Get the balance of multiple accounts
newcommander balance 0xDB2C9C06E186D58EFe19f213b3d5FaF8B8c99481 0x25a03e72bcca5ddcda45a7aabbe9b41b0e8ff828
# Get the balance of all accounts in the default walletPath directory
newcommander balance
# Get the balance in the specified unit
newcommander balance -u NEW
# Get the balance at safe mode (3 block less than the latest)
newcommander balance -s
# Get the balance at specified height
newcommander balance -n 1024
# Get the pending balance
newcommander balance -n pending
# Pay 1 NEW to an account
newcommander pay 1 --to 0x25a03e72bcca5ddcda45a7aabbe9b41b0e8ff828
# Pay 1 WEI to an account
newcommander pay 1 -u WEI --to 0x25a03e72bcca5ddcda45a7aabbe9b41b0e8ff828
# Pay 1 NEW to an account with custom gasPrice 1000 WEI
newcommander pay 1 --to 0x25a03e72bcca5ddcda45a7aabbe9b41b0e8ff828 -p 1000
# Pay 1 NEW to an account with custom gasLimit 100000
newcommander pay 1 --to 0x25a03e72bcca5ddcda45a7aabbe9b41b0e8ff828 -g 100000
# Pay 1 NEW to an account with custom nonce 1
newcommander pay 1 --to 0x25a03e72bcca5ddcda45a7aabbe9b41b0e8ff828 -n 1
# Pay entire balance to an account
newcommander pay all --to 0x25a03e72bcca5ddcda45a7aabbe9b41b0e8ff828
# Pay to an account with txs confusion
newcommander pay 1 --to 0x25a03e72bcca5ddcda45a7aabbe9b41b0e8ff828 -N 2 -X 20
# Build transaction
newcommander build
# Sign transaction from file and save sign transaction hex to file
newcommander sign tx.txt
# Sign transaction save to the specified file
newcommander sign tx.txt --out tx.sign
# Submit signed transaction hex to NewChain system
newcommander submit tx.sign
# Decode signed transaction hex string to json
newcommander decode 0xf863820258648252089497549e368acafdcae786bb93d98379f1d1561a298080820802a0768ff39803904e993df858e0d4bbc2d56adf37e804e6804e9e2532d6726c70a4a02e9d8a4cdaf1a8d1b7d99f783162bcd8f0a80084b069f6c69c77f4345c4392f8
# Decode signed transaction hex string to compress json
newcommander decode 0xf863820258648252089497549e368acafdcae786bb93d98379f1d1561a298080820802a0768ff39803904e993df858e0d4bbc2d56adf37e804e6804e9e2532d6726c70a4a02e9d8a4cdaf1a8d1b7d99f783162bcd8f0a80084b069f6c69c77f4345c4392f8 --compress
# Decode unsigned transaction hex string to json
newcommander decode 0xe3820258648252089497549e368acafdcae786bb93d98379f1d1561a2980808203ef8080 --rlp
# Batch pay base on batch.txt
newcommander batch batch.txt
newcommander batchpay batch.txt
# Get chainID/NewworkID
newcommander rpc net_version
# Get block by number
newcommander rpc eth_getBlockByNumber 1024 true
# Get latest block
newcommander rpc eth_getBlockByNumber latest true
# Get transaction by hash
newcommander rpc eth_getTransactionByHash 0xcad4299fd6516c7f66cbb5ae70114d9c06d73908a66c9165dbfc1e36fb67d892
# Get transaction receipt
newcommander rpc eth_getTransactionReceipt 0xd9f1a3a4c54b6218c848e9a246faa570ea592a9f28d8b14e3ad4035398875de7
# Get account nonce
newcommander rpc eth_getTransactionCount 0xc94770007dda54cF92009BFF0dE90c06F603a09f latest
# Get balance
newcommander rpc eth_getBalance 0xc94770007dda54cF92009BFF0dE90c06F603a09f latest
# Get gas limit
newcommander rpc eth_estimateGas {}
# Get tranfer gas limit
newcommander rpc eth_estimateGas '{"from":"0xdf9106238879143e914ad78d4ff4b4fa6b3b1648","gasPrice":"0x64","to":"0xdf9106238879143e914ad78d4ff4b4fa6b3b1648","value":"0xde0b6b3a7640000"}'
# Get contract gas limit
newcommander rpc eth_estimateGas '{"data":"0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000082a3a88bc9d6a70c4f3c66534566892eae0cad810000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001","from":"0x82a3a88bc9d6a70c4f3c66534566892eae0cad89","to":"0x0b7789b5f69678f4f2d237cd0e1c815e1cd39ccf","value":"0x0"}'
# Get gas price
newcommander rpc eth_gasPrice
# Send raw transaction
newcommander rpc eth_sendRawTransaction 0xf869206482520894e78a7560107831726517f0a7c64600b01572967d880de0b6b3a764000080828414a0d8c63158d7c2f4acc556b06d0b3f90e36cf57ef3ab1915a70b5bcf9e56978b63a0435430e53af79a76de3bd50d0f740f28fe983aa2ac494feb6529dc08c0fdc4ed
# Send transactions
newcommander rpc eth_sendTransaction '{"from":"0xb60e8dd61c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07233155","to":"0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f07244567","gas":"0x76c0","gasPrice":"0x9184e72a000","value":"0x9184e72a","data":"0xd46e8dd67c5d32be8d46e8dd67c5d32be8058bb8eb970870f072445675058bb8eb970870f072445675"}'