A collection of SASS mixins for your project.
You can download the mixins through Bower:
bower install lib-sass-mixins
- Animation
- Background size
- Box shadow
- Opacity
- Clearfix
- Border radius
- Box-sizing
- Transition
- Columns
- Font-family
- Absolute center
- Transform
- Gradients
.class { @include animation(animationName 1s); }
@include keyframes(animationOne) {
from { background-color: red; }
to { background-color: black; }
.class { @include background-size(auto 100%); }
.class { @include box-shadow(1px 1px 10px 10px #666, 2px 2px 5px 5px #ddd inset); }
.class { @include opacity(0.5); }
.class { @include clearfix(); }
.class { @include border-radius(10px); }
.class { @include border-top-radius(10px); }
.class { @include border-bottom-radius(10px); }
.class { @include border-left-radius(10px); }
.class { @include border-right-radius(10px); }
.class { @include box-sizing(); }
.class { @include transition(color 1s .5s ease-out); }
.class { @include columns(3, 150px, solid 1px red); }
.class { @include transform(rotate(45deg); }
.class { @include translate(100px, 100px); }
.class { @include skew(10px, 10px); }
.class { @include scale(0.75); }
.class { @include rotate(45deg); }
.class { @include transform-origin(left, top); }
Only start and end color.
.class { @include horizontal-gradient(#666, #000); }
The first color is the background color and the other are steps of gradient.
.class { @include horizontal-gradient(#666, #000 50%, #444 80%); }
Only start and end color.
.class { @include vertical-gradient(#666, #000); }
The first color is the background color and the other are steps of gradient.
.class { @include vertical-gradient(#666, #000 40%, #333 75%); }
.class {
@include absolute-center(5%, 0, none, 0);
.class {
position: absolute;
top: 5%;
right: 0;
left: 0;
margin: auto;
.class { @include font-face("helvetica","../font/helvetica"); }