Some opinionated style & type rules built on top of eslint-config-standard-typescript-prettier
See ./.eslintrc.js
- You do not need to install ANY eslint dependencies explicitly in your project
- Eslint dependencies work together out of the box
- Eslint config with simplified defaults
- If this package becomes outdated you may need to manually manage dependencies again
Install it.
pnpm add -D eslint-config-nfour
Wire it up.
echo "module.exports = require('eslint-config-nfour')" > .eslintrc.js
# OR with react rules...
echo "module.exports = require('eslint-config-nfour/.eslintrc.react')" > .eslintrc.js
Configure .prettierrc.js
with something like:
module.exports = {
semi: false,
Thanks to require('@rushstack/eslint-patch/modern-module-resolution');
, plugins can be included relative to the configs, not the consuming project, so you don't need to install any eslint plugins/config peer dependencies.