How easy for a developer to deploy Spring Boot application in Open Shift
odo is a CLI tool for easily developing and deploying applications on OpenShift. Similar to oc - the OpenShift CLI, which is more operations-focused and need solid understanding of Kubernetes concepts. odo is designed to be simple and concise so you can focus on coding. odo's syntax and design are centered around concepts already familiar to developers, such as project, application, and component.
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Openshift CRC 1.14/1.15
- Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse
Scope of the project is to deploy spring boot webapplication on Openshift and scale up to mulitple instance in your local PC/Laptop.
* git init
* git pull
* mvn package
* Verify locally by executing "java -jar helloopenshift.jar"
* rakesh@rakesh-ThinkPad-P50:~/IDE/crc-linux-1.15.0-amd64$ oc login -u developer -p developer
* rakesh@rakesh-ThinkPad-P50:~/IDE/crc-linux-1.15.0-amd64$ oc new-project my-project --display-name="HelloWorld"
* rakesh@rakesh-ThinkPad-P50:~/MyWorks/Openshift/helloopenshift$ odo create java helloopenshift --binary=target/helloopenshift.jar
* rakesh@rakesh-ThinkPad-P50:~/MyWorks/Openshift/helloopenshift$ odo push
With an odo create command, a configuration file called config.yaml has been created in the local directory of the component that contains information about the component for deployment. You can view the configuration settings of the component in config.yaml by the following command:
rakesh@rakesh-ThinkPad-P50:~/MyWorks/Openshift/helloopenshift$ odo config view
Type java
Application app
Project my-project
SourceType binary
SourceLocation target/helloopenshift.jar
Ports 8080/TCP,8443/TCP,8778/TCP
Name helloopenshift
* rakesh@rakesh-ThinkPad-P50:~/MyWorks/Openshift/helloopenshift$ odo url create --port 8080
* rakesh@rakesh-ThinkPad-P50:~/MyWorks/Openshift/helloopenshift$ odo push
✓ Checking component [224ms]
Configuration changes
✓ Retrieving component data [36ms]
✓ Applying configuration [57ms]
Applying URL changes
✓ URL helloopenshift-8080: http://helloopenshift-8080-app-my-project.apps-crc.testing created
Pushing to component helloopenshift of type binary
✓ Checking file changes for pushing [2ms]
✓ Waiting for component to start [11ms]
✓ Syncing files to the component [411ms]
✓ Building component [2s]
- http://helloopenshift-8080-app-my-project.apps-crc.testing
- Scale and Test with some concurrent client requests