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Fedora 24 Setup

hellcatz edited this page Oct 21, 2016 · 18 revisions

Install OpenCL / OpenGL

$ sudo dnf install opencl-headers opencl-filesystem opencl-utils \
      clinfo clpeak ocl-icd mesa-libGL mesa-libGL-devel

Run clinfo. If 0 devices are found, you may need to install the proper GPU vendor drivers.
See below for installing AMD Drivers to enable OpenCL support.

$ clinfo

Install OpenCL 2.0 / OpenGL (AMP APP SDK 3.0) TODO, describe AMD APP SDK install.

Install AMD Drivers

Instruction below have been verified using:
AMD FX-8800P Radeon R7, 12 Compute Cores 4C+8G (using Linux kernel version 4.7)

These instructions are based from AMD Catalyst Graphics Driver Installer Notes.

Required packages to build radeon-crimson driver:

$ sudo dnf install kmod redhat-lsb kernel-headers

Fedora Server (Headless) prerequisites: It is required to have Xorg server installed to build the AMD Drivers.

$ sudo dnf install xorg-x11-server-Xorg xorg-x11-server-common xorg-x11-drv-dummy
$ sudo reboot

Download: AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.12 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver
Sorry, wget command not available. You must agree to the license on their page.

Extract drivers:

$ unzip
$ cd fglrx-15.302

The driver installer will not work on Fedora 24 out-of-the-box.
Thankfully, a special repository exists to patch the fglrx driver for building on Fedora 24.

Clone imageguy/fglrx-for-Fedora repository:

$ git clone

Copy files to the fglrx-15.302 directory created when extracting the driver zip from previous step:

$ cp fglrx-for-Fedora/* fglrx-15.302/

At this point we must switch user (su) to root. (sudo will not work for the next step)

$ su

Use the do_install script from fglrx-for-Fedora repository to automate patching and running installer:

$ chmod +x do_install
$ ./do_install

When asked, select option 2 - Install Driver 15.302.
-- TODO, screenshot --

Select Recommended for class of installation.
-- TODO, screenshot --

Wait for install to finish.
-- TODO, screenshot --

Last the kernel modules will be built (this may take a while).
-- TODO, screenshot --

Once the installation is completed successfully, you'll need to reboot.

$ sudo reboot

Note, any new kernel updates downloaded using "dnf update" will break your AMD drivers. You must first uninstall the drivers, and then install them again to rebuild the new kernel module.

Uninstall AMD Drivers

$ su
$ /usr/share/ati/
$ reboot

Make sure the kernel module is not present.

$ sudo lsmod | grep fglrx

Headless Systems (Unconfirmed)

If you have a headless system, try to install and configure xorg-x11-drv-dummy to make system believe a monitor is installed:

$ sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  (or your preferred editor ex. nano)

Then write:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "dummy"
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Configured Monitor"
HorizSync 31.5-48.5
VertRefresh 50-70
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Monitor "Configured Monitor"
Device "Configured Video Device"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1152x864"

Save it and reboot:

$ sudo reboot